Std Plot Menu
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The Std Plot Menu is one of the 4 sub-menus added to the standard menu when a table view is active:
File Edit View Scripting Input Simulation Output Plot Analysis Table Windows Help
The Plot menu is active only when a table is selected. These commands allow plotting data from the selected table. As a group, all of these commands create a new graph window which contains a single, empty layer. The newly created plot is drawn on this empty layer.
The following tools are available in this menu:
Line: creates graphs consisting of lines.
Scatter: opens up a sub-menu of additional commands for plotting specialized graphs consisting of scatters.
Scatter: plots data using "scatter" style.
Scatter With X Err: creates graphs consisting of scatters with x error.
Scatter With Y Err: creates graphs consisting of scatters with y error.
Scatter With XY Err: creates graphs consisting of scatters with xy error.
Line + Symbol: plots data using "Line + Symbol".
Special Line + Symbol: opens up a sub-menu of additional commands for plotting graphs with "special line + symbol" style.
Vertical Drop Lines: plots data using "Vertical drop lines" style.
Spline: plots data using "Spline" style.
Vertical Steps: plots data using "Vertical Steps" style.
Horizontal Steps: plots data using "Horizontal Steps" style.
Vertical Bars: plots data using "Vertical Bars" style.
Vertical Stacked Bars: plots data using "Vertical Stacked Bars" style.
Vertical Grouped Bars: plots data using "Vertical Grouped Bars" style.
Horizontal Bars: plots data using "Horizontal Bars" style.
Horizontal Stacked Bars: plots data using "Horizontal Stacked Bars" style.
Horizontal Grouped Bars: plots data using "Horizontal Grouped Bars" style.
Area: creates a line graph with the areas below the lines filled with colors.
Channel Fil: plots data using "Channel Fil" style.
Pie: creates a pie chart
Half Pie: creates a half pie chart
Vectors XYXY: creates a vectors plot.
Vectors XYAM: creates a vectors plot.
Statistical Graph: opens up a sub-menu of commands for plotting various statistical graphs
Box Plot: creates a box plot.
Histogram: creates a frequency histogram.
- Stacked Histogram: creates vertically stacked layers displaying the histograms of the selected data.
3D Plot: opens a sub-menu of commands used to draw some common 3D plots.
- Layout Grids: opens a sub-menu of commands that can be used to quickly obtain some commonly used arrangements of multiple plots.
- Vertical 2 Layouts: creates 2 vertically stacked layers.
- Horizontal 2 Layouts: Creates 2 horizontally stacked layers.
- 4(2x2) Layouts: creates 4 layers on a 2x2 grid.
- File: New document, New Table, New Matrix, New Graph, New 2D Plot, New 3D Plot, Open..., Open Recent, Close, Close All, Save, Save As..., Save a Copy..., Save All, Revert, Import..., Export..., Merge project..., Document information..., Print..., Print preview..., Export PDF...Exit
- Edit: Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate selection, Refresh, Select All, Delete, Preferences...
- View: Fullscreen, Workbench, Sync view, Record selection, Single document, Multi document, Collapse/Expand, Initiate dragging, Go to selection, Selection back, Selection forward, Status bar
- Tools: Edit parameters..., Export dependency graph..., Project utility..., Alphaplot, Line, Scatter, Scatter, Scatter With X Err, Scatter With Y Err, Scatter With XY Err, Line + Symbol, Special Line + Symbol, Vertical Drop Lines, Spline, Vertical Steps, Horizontal Steps, Vertical Bars, Vertical Stacked Bars, Vertical Grouped Bars ,Horizontal Bars, Horizontal Stacked Bars, Horizontal Grouped Bars, Area, Channel Fil, Pie, Half Pie, Vectors XYXY, Vectors XYAM, Statistical Graph, Box Plot, Histogram, Stacked Histogram, 3D Plot, Bar, Scatter, Layout Grids, Vertical 2 Layouts, Horizontal 2 Layouts, 4(2x2) Layouts, 3D Wire Frame, 3D Surface, 3D Wire Frame Surface, Bar, Scatter, Contour + Color Fill, Countour Lines, Gray Scale Map, 3D Wire Frame Polar, 3D Surface Polar, 3D Wire Frame Surface Polar, 3D Scatter Polar, Polar spectrogram, Graph, Add/Remove Plot xy/xy..., Add Function..., Add Error Bars..., Add/Remove Other Plots..., Add/Remove Plot y..., Add/Remove Vector Plot..., Add Axis..., Add Left Axis, Add Bottom Axis, Add Right Axis, Add Top Axis, Legend Reorder, Add Text, Add Time Stamp, Add Image, Draw Line, Draw Arrow, Draw Ellipse, Add Nested Layout, Add Layout, Add Up, Add Down, Add Left, Add Right, Remove Layout, Swap Layouts..., Graph Tolls, Disable Tools, Data Rearder, Screen Reader, Select Data Range, Move Data Points, Remove Bad Data Points..., Drag Range, Zoom Range, Rescale To Show All, Table, Set Column(s) As, X, Y, Z, X Error, Y Error, None, Fill Selection With, Row Numbers, , Random Values, Custom Random, Show Comments, Show Controls, Formula Edit Mode, Edit Column Description, Change Type & Format, Clear Table, Sort Table, Assign Formula, Recalculate, Add Column, Go To Cell, Export ASCII..., Convert To Matrix, Matrix, Hide Controls, Set Coordinates, Set Display Format, Assign Formula, Recalculate, Clear Matrix, Transpose, Mirror Horizontally, Mirror Vertically, Import Image, Go To Cell, Invert, Determinant, Convert To Table, Add text document, Group, Units Calculator,Customize..., RPS Features..., Addon manager
- Macro: Macro recording, Macros, Recent macros, Execute macro, Attach to remote debugger, Debug macro, Stop debugging, Step over, Step into, Toggle breakpoint
- Help: Help, LabRPS Website, Donate, Users documentation, Python scripting documentation, Automatic Python modules documentation, LabRPS Forum, LabRPS FAQ, Report a bug, About LabRPS, What's This

- Getting started
- Installation: Download, Windows, Linux, Mac, Additional components, AppImage
- Basics: About LabRPS, Interface, RPS Objects, Object name, Preferences, Workbenches, Document structure, Properties, Help LabRPS, Donate
- Help: Tutorials, Video tutorials
- Workbenches: Std Base, WindLab, SeismicLab, SeaLab, UserLab, Spreadsheet, Plot, Web
- Hubs: User hub, Power users hub, Developer hub