SeaLab Workbench
The SeaLab Workbench provides a modern random sea surface simulation workflow for LabRPS. Mainly this means all tools to make an simulation are combined into one graphical user interface (GUI).
Random Sea Surface
The random sea surface refers to the unpredictable, fluctuating nature of the ocean's surface due to the complex interaction of various physical forces, such as wind, tides, and ocean currents. This randomness is a result of natural phenomena, including waves, swells, and turbulence, which collectively create the ever-changing sea surface observed in maritime environments. The sea surface is not a static entity but a dynamic, stochastic system where the height, direction, and frequency of waves continuously vary over time and space. In both engineering and science, understanding and modeling the random sea surface is essential for numerous applications ranging from the design of offshore structures to the study of oceanographic processes. By capturing the statistical properties of sea surface motion, such as wave height distributions, spectral density, and wave energy, engineers and scientists can predict and mitigate the effects of the sea's random behavior on human activities and the natural environment. Key applications include:
Wave-Structure Interaction: Offshore structures are exposed to forces from waves, which vary in height, frequency, and direction. Engineers use models of random sea surface behavior to predict the wave loads on structures, ensuring that they are designed to withstand extreme conditions such as storms or high-energy waves.
Hydrodynamic Modeling: The interaction between waves and floating structures, such as platforms and ships, is studied using hydrodynamic models. These models simulate how the random movement of the sea surface affects the stability, motion, and safety of offshore structures, especially in areas subject to high sea states or extreme weather conditions.
Safety and Risk Assessment: In offshore oil and gas extraction, wave-induced motions are critical for ensuring the safety of personnel and equipment. By simulating random sea surface conditions, engineers can assess risks related to equipment failure, accidental oil spills, or structural collapse due to excessive wave loads.
Coastal Erosion and Sediment Transport: Waves and tidal forces play a major role in the erosion of coastlines and the transport of sediment. Engineers use models of random sea surface motion to predict long-term erosion patterns, assess the impact of sea level rise, and design effective coastal defenses to protect infrastructure and natural habitats.
Design of Coastal Structures: The design of breakwaters, jetties, and harbor walls depends on the variability of wave forces. Engineers use probabilistic models of wave heights and frequencies to optimize the design of these structures, ensuring that they can withstand extreme wave conditions and prevent flooding or damage to inland areas.
Ship Design and Stability: Ship hulls and superstructures are designed to minimize the risk of capsizing or structural damage due to wave motion. Models of random sea surface behavior help naval architects predict how a ship will respond to waves, including factors like pitch, roll, and heave.
Operational Safety: Offshore operations, such as those involving oil drilling or shipping, are heavily influenced by sea surface conditions. Accurate predictions of wave height, period, and direction allow operators to plan for safe operations, reduce downtime, and optimize the use of marine resources. This includes avoiding high-risk conditions and ensuring safe towing, lifting, and transportation of goods.
Wave Energy Studies: Random sea surface models are used to assess the potential of wave energy as a renewable resource. Understanding wave patterns, including their variability and energy content, is essential for the development of wave energy converters and other technologies that harness ocean power.
Climate and Weather Modeling: Waves and sea surface conditions play a significant role in the global climate system by influencing heat exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere. Oceanographers use statistical models of random sea surface motion to simulate how ocean currents, wave patterns, and wind interactions affect weather systems and climate processes.
Marine Ecosystem Dynamics: The random movement of the sea surface also affects the distribution of nutrients, pollutants, and marine life. By studying wave patterns and turbulence, marine scientists can better understand how the ocean's surface influences nutrient mixing and biological productivity in different marine environments.
Tsunami Modeling and Impact: Researchers use random wave models to simulate tsunami behavior as it interacts with the sea surface, helping to predict wave height, travel time, and potential coastal impacts. These models are essential for early warning systems that alert populations of incoming tsunamis.
The steps to carry out a random sea surface simulation are:
- Preprocessing: setting up the simulation requirements.
- Intalling the required plugins: Every simulation feature in SeaLab are provided by plugins. So appropriate plugins should be installed first.
- Creating a simulation.
- Adding a simulation method (a simulation model).
- Adding every SeaLab Feature that is required for the selected simulation method.
- Simulation: running the simulation.
- Postprocessing: visualizing the simulation results from within LabRPS, or exporting the results so they can be postprocessed with another application.
Workflow of the SeaLab Workbench
Menu: SeaLab
Create Simulation: Creates a new container for a numerical simulation.
Create Feature: Creates a new SeaLab Feature.
Start: Starts the active simulation in the active document.
Stop: Stops the running simulation.
Preferences...: Preferences available in SeaLab.
Coming soon.

- Getting started
- Installation: Download, Windows, Linux, Mac, Additional components, AppImage
- Basics: About LabRPS, Interface, RPS Objects, Object name, Preferences, Workbenches, Document structure, Properties, Help LabRPS, Donate
- Help: Tutorials, Video tutorials
- Workbenches: Std Base, WindLab, SeismicLab, SeaLab, UserLab, Spreadsheet, Plot, Web
- Hubs: User hub, Power users hub, Developer hub