Plugin SeaLab

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Generic plugin icon. Create your personal icon with the same name of the plugin SeaLab Plugin

This plugin implements various SeaLab features.

Plugin version: 1.0
Last modified: 2024-04-15
LabRPS version: All
Author: Koffi Daniel
Koffi Daniel
Grid Points, General Distribution, Import Simulation Points from File, Uniform Random Phases, Uniform Random Phases Import, Double Index Frequency Discretization, Single Index Frequency Discretization, Zerva Frequency Discretization, Cholesky Decomposition, Pierson Moskowitz Spectrum (1964), Jonswap Spectrum (1974), Gaussian Swell Spectrum, Ochi-Hubble Spectrum, Torsethaugen Spectrum,Bretschneider Spectrum, ISSC Spectrum, ITTC Spectrum, Scott Spectrum, WEN Spectrum, Borgman Directional Spreading Function, Cos2s Directional Spreading Function, Cosine Squared Directional Spreading Function, Mitsuyasu Directional Spreading Function, Hasselmann Directional Spreading Function, Longuet-Higgins Directional Spreading Function, OrcaFlex Directional Spreading Function, SWOP Directional Spreading Function
Plugin Version
Date last modified
LabRPS Version(s)
Default shortcut
See also

You can find the source code of this plugin on the following Github repository: Get the code here!. This plugin is one of the official plugins provided by LabRPS. It provides very useful features (tools) for the simulation of random sea elevations. Plugins are very easy to create in LabRPS, therefore, anyone can develop plugin for any random phenomenon in LabRPS. Go to this page to see how to create new plugin for LabRPS. You can get quick assistance from LabRPS community by sending your concern to the community forum.

Grid Points

This feature allows users to generate a set of grid points within a 3D spatial domain, ensuring that the points are evenly distributed in a plane parallel to one of the coordinate system planes (XY Plane, YZ Plane, XZ Plane).


  • DataSpacing1: This is the points spacing along one of the axis forming the plane.
  • DataSpacing2: This is the points spacing along the second axis.
  • DataLength1: This is the length within points are distributed along one of the axis forming the plane.
  • DataLength2: This is the length within points are distributed along the second axis.
  • DataCenterPoint: This is the center of the grid around which the points are generated. It is a 3D point.
  • DataNumberOfPoints: This is the resulting total number of points in the grid. This is a read only property for internal use. User cannot change its value directly.


The following script shows how this feature can be created and used.

import SeaLab
import GeneralToolsGui
import SeaLabObjects
from LabRPS import Vector as vec
import LabRPS
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

def compute():
    # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
    # check if the simulation does really exist
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None
    featureType = "Grid Points"
    featureGroup = "Location Distribution"
    # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
    # case you don't understand the next line)
    unifSimPoints= SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not unifSimPoints:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the uniform points feature.\n")
       return None

    # set the plan the points grid is parallel to
    unifSimPoints.LocationPlan= 'YZ Plane'

    # let's set the center point of the distribution (x =0, y = 0, z = 0)
    unifSimPoints.CenterPoint = vec(0,0,0) 

    # let's set the spacing1 (s1 = 10m)
    unifSimPoints.Spacing1 = '10m'

    # let's set the spacing2 (s2 = 10m)
    unifSimPoints.Spacing2 = '10m'

    # let's set the length1 (l1 = 200m)
    unifSimPoints.Length1= '200m'

    # let's set the length2 (l2 = 200m)
    unifSimPoints.Length2= '200m'

    # compute the simulation points coordinates. SeaLab will internally use the "unifSimPoints" feature.
    simPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    # now you can convert the coordinate matrix to numpy array and use it for any other purposes
    arr = numpy.asarray(simPoints)

    # Example 3D points
    x = arr[:,1]
    y = arr[:,2]
    z = arr[:,3]

    # you can also show the result in a table, pass False as last argument to the function to ask 
    # LabRPS to only show the data without plotting them
    GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(sim.getSimulationData().numberOfSpatialPosition, 4, simPoints, False)

    # Create a figure
    fig = plt.figure()

    # Add 3D axes
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

    # Plot points
    ax.scatter(x, y, z, color='blue')

    # Hide all axes and labels

    # Set the title
    ax.set_title('3D Plotting of Points')

    # Show the plot


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General Distribution

When the simulation points distribution is more general and does not follow any of the previous uniform distribution, this feature can be used. This feature allows users to input simulation points one by one using their coordinates based on the vector dialog shown below:

WindLab Tutorial001 Pic005 WindLab Feat Locations 2.png


  • DataLocations: This is a list holding the simulation points


The following script shows how this feature can be created and used.

import SeaLab
import GeneralToolsGui
import SeaLabObjects
from LabRPS import Vector as vec
import LabRPS
import numpy

def compute():
    installResuslt = SeaLab.installPlugin("SeaLabPlugin")

    doc = LabRPS.ActiveDocument
    if not doc:
       doc = LabRPS.newDocument()

    # create SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLabObjects.makeSimulation(doc, "Simulation")
    # check if the simulation does really exist
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None
    featureType = "General Distribution"
    featureGroup = "Location Distribution"
    # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
    # case you don't understand the next line)
    genSimPoints= SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not genSimPoints:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the uniform points feature.\n")
       return None

    # create the simulation points by their coordinates
    v1 = vec(0, 0, 35000)
    v2 = vec(0, 0, 40000)
    v3 = vec(0, 0, 140000)

    # add the points to the locations
    genSimPoints.Locations = [v1, v2, v3]

    # compute the simulation points coordinates. SeaLab will internally use the "genSimPoints" feature
    simPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    # now you can convert the coordinate matrix to numpy array and use it for any other purposes
    arr = numpy.asarray(simPoints)

    # you can also show the result in a table, pass False as last argument to the function to ask 
    # LabRPS to only show the data without plotting them
    GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(sim.getSimulationData().numberOfSpatialPosition, 4, simPoints, False)


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Import Simulation Points from File

When the simulation points are stored in a file, this feature can be used. The feature allows users to import simulation points coordinates from file. Note that, for now only tab separated text file is supported and the file is expected to have number of rows and number of columns which are number of simulation points and four, respectively.

File:SeaLab Tutorial001 Pic006 SeaLab Feat Locations 1.png


  • DataFilePath: This is the path to the file.


The following script shows how this feature can be created and used.

import SeaLab
import GeneralToolsGui
import SeaLabObjects
from LabRPS import Vector as vec
import LabRPS
import numpy

def compute():
    installResuslt = SeaLab.installPlugin("SeaLabPlugin")

    doc = LabRPS.ActiveDocument
    if not doc:
       doc = LabRPS.newDocument()

    # create SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLabObjects.makeSimulation(doc, "Simulation")
    # check if the simulation does really exist
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None
    featureType = "Import Simulation Points from File"
    featureGroup = "Location Distribution"
    # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
    # case you don't understand the next line)
    simPoints= SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not simPoints:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the simulation points feature.\n")
       return None

    # set the direction of the distribution to be vertical
    simPoints.FilePath = "D:/Points.txt"

    # compute the simulation points coordinates. SeaLab will internally use the "simPoints" feature.
    importedSimPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    # now you can convert the coordinate matrix to numpy array and use it for any other purposes
    arr = numpy.asarray(importedSimPoints )

    # you can also show the result in a table, pass False as last argument to the function to ask 
    # LabRPS to only show the data without plotting them
    GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(sim.getSimulationData().numberOfSpatialPosition, 4, importedSimPoints, False)


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Uniform Random Phases

In the simulation of random sea elevations, one common technique is to represent the random sea elevations as a sum of multiple sinusoidal components in the frequency domain. Each of these components is associated with a random phase, which determines the position of the sine wave relative to time. By assigning uniform random phases to each frequency component, the resulting time series will have random characteristics, while still adhering to the desired spectral properties, such as a specific power spectral density (PSD) or turbulence spectrum. The feature generate [math]\displaystyle{ n }[/math] sequences [math]\displaystyle{ (\phi_{1l}, \phi_{2l}, \phi_{3l},..., \phi_{nl}; l = 1, 2, 3, ..., N) }[/math] of independent random phase angles uniformly distributed over the interval [math]\displaystyle{ [0, 2\pi] }[/math] by default.


  • DataMinimumValue: The minimum value that can be generated
  • DataMaximumValue: The maximum value that can be generated


The following script shows how this feature can be created and used.

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
from LabRPS import Vector as vec
import numpy

 # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
 sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
 # check if the simulation does really exist
 if not sim:
     LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
     # abord the computation 
 featureType = "Uniform Random Phases"
 featureGroup = "Randomness Provider"
 # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
 # case you don't understand the next line)
 randomness = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
 # check if the created feature is good
 if not randomness:
     LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the randomness feature.\n")
     # abord the computation

 randomness.MinimumValue = 0
 randomness.MaximumValue = 6.28

 # generate random phase angle
 randomnessMatrix = sim.generateRandomMatrixFP()

 # now you can convert the coordinate matrix to numpy array and use it for any other purposes
 arr = numpy.asarray(randomnessMatrix)

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Uniform Random Phases Import

When the simulation numbers are stored in a file, this feature can be used. The feature allows users to import random numbers from file. Note that, for now only tab separated text file is supported and the file is expected to have number of rows and number of columns which are number of frequency increments and number of simulation points, respectively.


  • DataFilePath: This is the path to the file.


The following script shows how this feature can be created and used.

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
from LabRPS import Vector as vec
import numpy

 # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
 sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
 # check if the simulation does really exist
 if not sim:
     LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
     # abord the computation 
 featureType = "Uniform Random Phases Import"
 featureGroup = "Randomness Provider"
 # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
 # case you don't understand the next line)
 randomness = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
 # check if the created feature is good
 if not randomness:
     LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the randomness feature.\n")
     # abord the computation

 randomness.FilePath = "myfolderpath/myfile.txt"

 # generate random phase angle
  randomnessMatrix = sim.generateRandomMatrixFP()

 # now you can convert the coordinate matrix to numpy array and use it for any other purposes
 arr = numpy.asarray(randomnessMatrix)

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Single Index Frequency Discretization

This feature allows to discretize continuous frequency according to the following formula:

[math]\displaystyle{ \omega_{l} = l\Delta\omega; \quad l = 1, 2, 3, ..., N }[/math].


  • [math]\displaystyle{ \Delta\omega }[/math] is the frequency increment,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ N }[/math] is the number of frequency increments,


The following script shows how this feature can be created and used.

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
from LabRPS import Vector as vec
import numpy

 # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
 sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
 # check if the simulation does really exist
 if not sim:
     LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
     # abord the computation 
 featureType = "Single Index Frequency Discretization"
 featureGroup = "Frequency Distribution"
 # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
 # case you don't understand the next line)
 frequency = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
 # check if the created feature is good
 if not frequency:
     LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the frequency feature.\n")
     # abord the computation

 # compute the freqency distribution
 frequencyMatrix = sim.computeFrequenciesMatrixFP()

 # now you can convert the coordinate matrix to numpy array and use it for any other purposes
 arr = numpy.asarray(frequencyMatrix)

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Double Index Frequency Discretization

This feature allows to discretize continuous frequency according to the following formula:

[math]\displaystyle{ \omega_{ml} = (l-1)\Delta\omega + \frac{m}{n}\Delta\omega; \quad m = 1, 2, 3, ..., n; \quad l = 1, 2, 3, ..., N }[/math].


  • [math]\displaystyle{ \Delta\omega }[/math] is the frequency increment,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ n }[/math] is the number of simulation points,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ N }[/math] is the number of frequency increments,


The following script shows how this feature can be created and used.

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
from LabRPS import Vector as vec
import numpy

 # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
 sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
 # check if the simulation does really exist
 if not sim:
     LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
     # abord the computation 
 featureType = "Double Index Frequency Discretization"
 featureGroup = "Frequency Distribution"
 # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
 # case you don't understand the next line)
 frequency = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
 # check if the created feature is good
 if not frequency:
     LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the frequency feature.\n")
     # abord the computation

 # compute the freqency distribution
 frequencyMatrix = sim.computeFrequenciesMatrixFP()

 # now you can convert the coordinate matrix to numpy array and use it for any other purposes
 arr = numpy.asarray(frequencyMatrix)

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Zerva Frequency Discretization

This feature allow to discretize continuous frequency according to the following formula:

[math]\displaystyle{ \omega_{l} = (1+\frac{l}{2})\Delta\omega;\quad l = 1, 2, 3, ..., N }[/math],


  • [math]\displaystyle{ \Delta\omega }[/math] is the frequency increment,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ N }[/math] is the number of frequency increments,


The following script shows how this feature can be created and used.

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
from LabRPS import Vector as vec
import numpy

 # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
 sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
 # check if the simulation does really exist
 if not sim:
     LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
     # abord the computation 
 featureType = "Zerva Frequency Discretization"
 featureGroup = "Frequency Distribution"
 # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
 # case you don't understand the next line)
 frequency = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
 # check if the created feature is good
 if not frequency:
     LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the frequency feature.\n")
     # abord the computation

 # compute the freqency distribution
  frequencyMatrix = sim.computeFrequenciesMatrixFP()

 # now you can convert the coordinate matrix to numpy array and use it for any other purposes
 arr = numpy.asarray(frequencyMatrix)

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Cholesky Decomposition

This feature performs the Cholesky decomposition of a positive Hermitian power spectrum matrix and returns the lower triangular matrix (L) of the decomposition. The Cholesky decomposition is a numerical method used to decompose a positive-definite matrix into the product of a lower triangular matrix and its conjugate transpose. Specifically, for a matrix A, the decomposition is given by:

[math]\displaystyle{ \mathbf{A} = \mathbf{L L}^{*}, }[/math]

[math]\displaystyle{ L_{j,j} = \sqrt{ A_{j,j} - \sum_{k=1}^{j-1} L_{j,k}^*L_{j,k} }, }[/math]

[math]\displaystyle{ L_{i,j} = \frac{1}{L_{j,j}} \left( A_{i,j} - \sum_{k=1}^{j-1} L_{j,k}^* L_{i,k} \right) \quad \text{for } i\gt j. }[/math]

where [math]\displaystyle{ L }[/math] is a lower triangular matrix with real and positive diagonal entries, and [math]\displaystyle{ L^* }[/math] denotes the conjugate transpose of [math]\displaystyle{ L }[/math].

The feature is optimized for performance and can handle large matrices efficiently using [math]\displaystyle{ O(n^3) }[/math] computational complexity in the worst case. It checks if the input matrix is indeed positive-definite and Hermitian before performing the decomposition and raises an error if the matrix does not meet these conditions. The feature belong to the PSD Decomposition Method feature group.

Feature Dependency

The features required by this feature are summarized as follows:


The feature can be used from the python console as follows:

import SeaLab
import GeneralToolsGui
import SeaLabObjects
from LabRPS import Vector as vec
import LabRPS
import numpy

def compute():
    installResuslt = SeaLab.installPlugin("SeaLabPlugin")

    doc = LabRPS.ActiveDocument
    if not doc:
       doc = LabRPS.newDocument()

    # create SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLabObjects.makeSimulation(doc, "Simulation")
    # check if the simulation sucessfully created
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None
    featureType = "Cholesky Decomposition"
    featureGroup = "Spectrum Decomposition Method"
    # create the feature
    decomposedPSD = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not decomposedPSD :
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the spectrum decomposition method.\n")
       return None
    # get the active simulation points feature and compute the simulation points coordinates
    simPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    if not simPoints :
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Make sure you have an active location disttribution in the simulation with at least 3 simulation points.\n")
       return None

    # use a vector to represent a simulation point based on its coordinates
    v1 = vec(simPoints[0][1], simPoints[0][2], simPoints[0][3])
    v2 = vec(simPoints[1][1], simPoints[1][2], simPoints[1][3])
    v3 = vec(simPoints[2][1], simPoints[2][2], simPoints[2][3])

    # This feature is used to decompose power spectrum matrices which may vary in time. Let's assume that
    # the active power spectrun density function in this example is stationary. Meanning it is not varying in time.
    #Then, we use time instant of 0 second.
    time = 0.0

    # compute the decomposed cross spectrum between points 1 and 3, at time instant of 0 second and for all frequency
    # increments. Note that when the following code is run, SeaLab will try to identify the active frequency distribution, 
    # the active power spectrum feature, the active coherence function feature and others. If SeaLab fails to find any 
    # of these dependency features, the computation will fails and specific error messages will be sent to the report view.
    psd13 = sim.computeDecomposedCrossSpectrumVectorF(v1, v3, time)

    # psd13 can be converted to numpy vector and be used for some other purposes.
    arr = numpy.asarray(psd13)


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Pierson Moskowitz Spectrum 1964

Various idealized spectra are used to answer the question in oceanography and ocean engineering. Perhaps the simplest is that proposed by Pierson and Moskowitz 1964. They assumed that if the wind blew steadily for a long time over a large area, the waves would come into equilibrium with the wind. This is the concept of a fully developed sea (a sea produced by winds blowing steadily over hundreds of miles for several days).Here, a long time is roughly ten-thousand wave periods, and a "large area" is roughly five-thousand wave-lengths on a side. (source):

[math]\displaystyle{ S(\omega) = \frac{5}{16}H^2_s\omega^4_p\omega^{-5}\mbox{exp}\left [ -\frac{5}{4}\left ( \frac{\omega}{\omega_p} \right )^{-4} \right ] }[/math]

Feature Dependency

The features required by this feature are summarized as follows:


  • DataSignificantWaveHeight: The significant wave height.
  • DataPeakPeriod: The peak period.


The feature can be used from the python console as follows:

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
import GeneralToolsGui
import LabRPS
from LabRPS import Vector as vec

# Before you run this code, you should first have created a document with a SeaLab simulation with 
# active simulation points and frequency distribution
def compute():
    # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
    # check if the simulation does really exist
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None 
    featureType = "Pierson Moskowitz Spectrum (1964)"
    featureGroup = "Frequency Spectrum"
    # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
    # case you don't understand the next line)
    spectrum = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not spectrum:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the spectrum function feature.\n")
       return None 
    sim.MaxFrequency = '0.04 1/s'
    sim.NumberOfFrequency = 1024
    sim.FrequencyIncrement = sim.MaxFrequency/sim.NumberOfFrequency 

    # For this example we shall compute the cross spectrum matrix at time instant of 0 second and for the frequency value of 0.25 rad/s.
    time = 0.0

    # compute the simulation points coordinates
    simPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    if not simPoints :
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Make sure you have an active location disttribution in the simulation with at least 3 simulation points.\n")
       return None

    # let pick the first simulation point
    v1 = vec(simPoints[0][1], simPoints[0][2], simPoints[0][3])
    # compute the spectrum vector at time instant of 0 second 
    # Note that when the following code is run, SeaLab will try to identify the active locations distribution, the active frequency discretization,
    # If SeaLab fails to find these dependency features, the computation will fails and specific error messages will be sent to the report view.
    spectrums = sim.computeAutoFrequencySpectrumVectorF(v1, time)

    # show the results
    GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(len(spectrums), len(spectrums[0]), spectrums)


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Jonswap Spectrum 1974

Hasselmann et al. 1973, after analyzing data collected during the Joint North Sea Wave Observation Project JONSWAP, found that the wave spectrum is never fully developed. It continues to develop through non-linear, wave-wave interactions even for very long times and distances. Hence an extra and somewhat artificial factor was added to the Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum in order to improve the fit to their measurements. The JONSWAP spectrum is thus a Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum multiplied by an extra peak enhancement factor [math]\displaystyle{ \gamma ^r }[/math] (source):

[math]\displaystyle{ S(\omega) = \frac{5}{16}A_{\gamma}H^2_s\omega^4_p\omega^{-5}\mbox{exp}\left [ -\frac{5}{4}\left ( \frac{\omega}{\omega_p} \right )^{-4} \right ]\gamma^r }[/math]


[math]\displaystyle{ A_{\gamma} = 1 - 0.287 \times ln\left ( \gamma \right ) \quad \mbox{is a normalizing factor} }[/math]

[math]\displaystyle{ r = \mbox{exp}\left [ -\frac{1}{2}\left ( \frac{\omega-\omega_p}{\sigma\omega_p} \right )^{2} \right ] }[/math]

[math]\displaystyle{ \sigma = \begin{cases} \sigma_1, & \mbox{for } \omega \le \omega_p \\ \\ \sigma_2, & \mbox{for } \omega \gt \omega_p \end{cases} }[/math]

Feature Dependency

The features required by this feature are summarized as follows:


  • DataSignificantWaveHeight: The significant wave height.
  • DataPeakPeriod: The peak period.
  • DataAutoGamma: Whether to automatically compute gamma or not.
  • DataAutoSigma: Whether to automatically compute sigma or not.
  • DataGamma: The value of shape parameter gamma.
  • DataSigma1: The width of spectral peak sigma 1.
  • DataSigma2: The width of spectral peak sigam 2.


The feature can be used from the python console as follows:

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
import GeneralToolsGui
import LabRPS
from LabRPS import Vector as vec

# Before you run this code, you should first have created a document with a SeaLab simulation with 
# active simulation points and frequency distribution
def compute():
    # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
    # check if the simulation does really exist
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None 
    featureType = "Jonswap Spectrum (1974)"
    featureGroup = "Frequency Spectrum"
    # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
    # case you don't understand the next line)
    spectrum = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not spectrum:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the spectrum function feature.\n")
       return None 
    sim.MaxFrequency = '0.04 1/s'
    sim.NumberOfFrequency = 1024
    sim.FrequencyIncrement = sim.MaxFrequency/sim.NumberOfFrequency 

    # For this example we shall compute the cross spectrum matrix at time instant of 0 second and for the frequency value of 0.25 rad/s.
    time = 0.0

    # compute the simulation points coordinates
    simPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    if not simPoints :
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Make sure you have an active location disttribution in the simulation with at least 3 simulation points.\n")
       return None

    # let pick the first simulation point
    v1 = vec(simPoints[0][1], simPoints[0][2], simPoints[0][3])
    # compute the spectrum vector at time instant of 0 second 
    # Note that when the following code is run, SeaLab will try to identify the active locations distribution, the active frequency discretization,
    # If SeaLab fails to find these dependency features, the computation will fails and specific error messages will be sent to the report view.
    spectrums = sim.computeAutoFrequencySpectrumVectorF(v1, time)

    # show the results
    GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(len(spectrums), len(spectrums[0]), spectrums)


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Gaussian Swell Spectrum

The Gaussian swell spectrum is based on the normal (or Gaussian) probability density function and is defined as (source):

[math]\displaystyle{ S(\omega) = \left ( \frac{H_c}{4} \right )^2\frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}\mbox{exp}\left [ -\frac{\left ( \omega -\omega_p \right )^2}{2\sigma^2} \right ] }[/math]

Feature Dependency

The features required by this feature are summarized as follows:


  • DataSignificantWaveHeight: The significant wave height.
  • DataPeakFrequency: The peak frequency.
  • DataSigma: The width of spectral peak sigma.


The feature can be used from the python console as follows:

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
import GeneralToolsGui
import LabRPS
from LabRPS import Vector as vec

# Before you run this code, you should first have created a document with a SeaLab simulation with 
# active simulation points and frequency distribution
def compute():
    # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
    # check if the simulation does really exist
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None 
    featureType = "Gaussian Swell Spectrum"
    featureGroup = "Frequency Spectrum"
    # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
    # case you don't understand the next line)
    spectrum = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not spectrum:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the spectrum function feature.\n")
       return None 
    sim.MaxFrequency = '0.04 1/s'
    sim.NumberOfFrequency = 1024
    sim.FrequencyIncrement = sim.MaxFrequency/sim.NumberOfFrequency 

    # For this example we shall compute the cross spectrum matrix at time instant of 0 second and for the frequency value of 0.25 rad/s.
    time = 0.0

    # compute the simulation points coordinates
    simPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    if not simPoints :
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Make sure you have an active location disttribution in the simulation with at least 3 simulation points.\n")
       return None

    # let pick the first simulation point
    v1 = vec(simPoints[0][1], simPoints[0][2], simPoints[0][3])
    # compute the spectrum vector at time instant of 0 second 
    # Note that when the following code is run, SeaLab will try to identify the active locations distribution, the active frequency discretization,
    # If SeaLab fails to find these dependency features, the computation will fails and specific error messages will be sent to the report view.
    spectrums = sim.computeAutoFrequencySpectrumVectorF(v1, time)

    # show the results
    GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(len(spectrums), len(spectrums[0]), spectrums)


Back to the Top

Ochi Hubble Spectrum

The Ochi-Hubble spectrum allows double-peaked spectra to be set up, enabling you to represent sea states that include both a remotely generated swell and a local wind generated sea. See the Ochi-Hubble paper for full details. (source):

[math]\displaystyle{ S(\omega) = \sum_{j=1}^2 \left\{ \frac{\left(\frac{4\lambda_j+1}{4}\right)^{\lambda_j} \omega_{\mathrm{m}_j}^{4\lambda_j}H_{\mathrm{s}_j}^2}{4\Gamma(\lambda_j)} \right\} \omega^{-(4\lambda_j+1)} \exp\left\{ -\left(\frac{4\lambda_j+1}{4}\right) \left(\frac{\omega}{\omega_{\mathrm{m}_j}}\right)^{-4} \right\} }[/math]


Feature Dependency

The features required by this feature are summarized as follows:


  • DataPeakShape1: The peak shape of the first peak.
  • DataPeakShape2: The peak shape of the second peak.
  • DataPeakFrequency1: The peak frequency of the first peak.
  • DataPeakFrequency2: The peak frequency of the second peak.
  • DataSignificantWaveHeight1: The significant wave height of the first peak.
  • DataSignificantWaveHeight2: The significant wave height of the second peak.
  • DataAutoPara: Whether to automatically compute the six previous parameter.
  • DataSignificantWaveHeight: The significant wave height used the calculate those six parameters in case of automatic parameters calculation .


The feature can be used from the python console as follows:

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
import GeneralToolsGui
import LabRPS
from LabRPS import Vector as vec

# Before you run this code, you should first have created a document with a SeaLab simulation with 
# active simulation points and frequency distribution
def compute():
    # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
    # check if the simulation does really exist
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None 
    featureType = "Ochi-Hubble spectrum"
    featureGroup = "Frequency Spectrum"
    # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
    # case you don't understand the next line)
    spectrum = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not spectrum:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the spectrum function feature.\n")
       return None 
    sim.MaxFrequency = '0.04 1/s'
    sim.NumberOfFrequency = 1024
    sim.FrequencyIncrement = sim.MaxFrequency/sim.NumberOfFrequency 

    # For this example we shall compute the cross spectrum matrix at time instant of 0 second and for the frequency value of 0.25 rad/s.
    time = 0.0

    # compute the simulation points coordinates
    simPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    if not simPoints :
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Make sure you have an active location disttribution in the simulation with at least 3 simulation points.\n")
       return None

    # let pick the first simulation point
    v1 = vec(simPoints[0][1], simPoints[0][2], simPoints[0][3])
    # compute the spectrum vector at time instant of 0 second 
    # Note that when the following code is run, SeaLab will try to identify the active locations distribution, the active frequency discretization,
    # If SeaLab fails to find these dependency features, the computation will fails and specific error messages will be sent to the report view.
    spectrums = sim.computeAutoFrequencySpectrumVectorF(v1, time)

    # show the results
    GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(len(spectrums), len(spectrums[0]), spectrums)


Back to the Top

Torsethaugen Spectrum

The Torsethaugen spectrum is another two-peaked spectrum, more suited to North Sea application than Ochi-Hubble. The spectrum is defined by two user input parameters, [math]\displaystyle{ H_s }[/math] and [math]\displaystyle{ T_p (= 1/f_m) }[/math]. In order to define the spectrum we must first define a number of other terms (source):

[math]\displaystyle{ \begin{array}{lcl} a_1 = 0.5 \\ a_2 = 0.3 \\ a_3 = 6 \\ a_{10} = 0.7 \\ a_{20} = 0.6 \\ b_1 = 2\ \textrm{s} \\ G_0 = 3.26 \\ k_g = 35 \\ k_1 = 0.0016 \\ k_2 = 0.286 \\ k_3 = \frac{k_2}{k_1^{1/3}} \\ k_f = k_3 g^{-1/2} \\ F_e = 370,000\ \textrm{m} \\ a_f = k_f F_e^{1/6} \\ T_{pf} = a_f H_s^{1/3} \\ a_e = 2\ \textrm{sm}^{-1/2} \\ T_l = a_e H_s^{1/2} \\ T_u = 25\ \textrm{s} \\ \epsilon_l = \frac{T_{pf} - T_p}{T_{pf} - T_l} \\ \epsilon_u = \frac{T_p - T_{pf}}{T_u - T_{pf}} \\ \end{array} }[/math]

Note: [math]\displaystyle{ \mbox{If }\epsilon_l \lt 0 \mbox{ then } \epsilon_l \mbox{ is set to 0. If } \epsilon_l \gt 1 \mbox{ then } \epsilon_l \mbox{ is set to 1. Likewise for } \epsilon_u.\\ }[/math]

For wind dominated sea, [math]\displaystyle{ T_p \le T_{pf} }[/math], we define:

[math]\displaystyle{ \begin{array}{lcl} R_w = (1 - a_{10}) \exp\{-(\epsilon_l/a_1)^2\} + a_{10} \\ H_1 = R_w H_s \\ T_{p1} = T_p \\ s_p = \frac{2\pi}{g}\frac{H_1}{T_{p1}^2} \\ \gamma = k_g s_p^{6/7} \\ H_2 = (1 - R_w^2)^{1/2} H_s \\ T_{p2} = T_{pf} + b_1 \\ \end{array} }[/math]

For swell dominated sea, [math]\displaystyle{ T_p \gt T_{pf} }[/math], we define:

[math]\displaystyle{ \begin{array}{lcl} R_s = (1 - a_{20}) \exp(-(\epsilon_u/a_2)^2) + a_{20} \\ H_1 = R_s H_s \\ T_{p1} = T_p \\ s_f = \frac{2\pi}{g}\frac{H_s}{T_{pf}^2} \\ \gamma_f = k_g s_f^{6/7} \\ \gamma = \gamma_f (1 + a_3 \epsilon_u) \\ H_2 = (1 - R_s^2)^{1/2} H_s \\ T_{p2} = a_f H_2^{1/3} \\ \end{array} }[/math]

Note: If [math]\displaystyle{ \gamma \lt 1 }[/math] then [math]\displaystyle{ \gamma }[/math] is set to 1.

These two branches of the formulation define [math]\displaystyle{ H_1, H_2, T_{p1}, T_{p2} }[/math] and [math]\displaystyle{ \gamma }[/math] which are then used to define the spectrum as

[math]\displaystyle{ S(f) = \sum_{j=1}^2 E_j S_{jn}(f_{jn}) }[/math]


[math]\displaystyle{ \begin{array}{lcl} j = 1\ \textrm{is the primary sea system} \\ j = 2\ \textrm{is the secondary sea system} \\ f_{1n} = f T_{p1} \\ f_{2n} = f T_{p2} \\ \sigma = \begin{cases} 0.07 \quad \mbox{for } f_{1n} \le 1 \\ 0.09 \quad \mbox{for } f_{1n} \gt 1 \\ \end{cases} \\ E_1 = (1/16) H_1^2 T_{p1} \\ E_2 = (1/16) H_2^2 T_{p2} \\ A_\gamma = \frac{1 + 1.1 \log_e(\gamma)^{1.19}}{\gamma} \\ S_{1n}(f_{1n}) = G_0 A_\gamma f_{1n}^{-4} \exp(-f_{1n}^{-4}) \gamma^{\exp\{-(1/2\sigma^2) (f_{1n} - 1)^2\}} \\ S_{2n}(f_{2n}) = G_0 f_{2n}^{-4} \exp(-f_{2n}^{-4}) \\ \end{array} }[/math]

Feature Dependency

The features required by this feature are summarized as follows:


  • DataSignificantWaveHeight: The significant wave height.
  • DataPeakPeriod: The peak period.
  • DataAutoGamma: Whether to automatically compute gamma or not.
  • DataAutoSigma: Whether to automatically compute sigma or not.
  • DataGamma: The value of shape parameter gamma.
  • DataSigma1: The width of spectral peak sigma 1.
  • DataSigma2: The width of spectral peak sigam 2.
  • DataDoublePeaks: Whether double peaks or not.


The feature can be used from the python console as follows:

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
import GeneralToolsGui
import LabRPS
from LabRPS import Vector as vec

# Before you run this code, you should first have created a document with a SeaLab simulation with 
# active simulation points and frequency distribution
def compute():
    # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
    # check if the simulation does really exist
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None 
    featureType = "Torsethaugen Spectrum"
    featureGroup = "Frequency Spectrum"
    # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
    # case you don't understand the next line)
    spectrum = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not spectrum:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the spectrum function feature.\n")
       return None 
    sim.MaxFrequency = '0.04 1/s'
    sim.NumberOfFrequency = 1024
    sim.FrequencyIncrement = sim.MaxFrequency/sim.NumberOfFrequency 

    # For this example we shall compute the cross spectrum matrix at time instant of 0 second and for the frequency value of 0.25 rad/s.
    time = 0.0

    # compute the simulation points coordinates
    simPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    if not simPoints :
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Make sure you have an active location disttribution in the simulation with at least 3 simulation points.\n")
       return None

    # let pick the first simulation point
    v1 = vec(simPoints[0][1], simPoints[0][2], simPoints[0][3])
    # compute the spectrum vector at time instant of 0 second 
    # Note that when the following code is run, SeaLab will try to identify the active locations distribution, the active frequency discretization,
    # If SeaLab fails to find these dependency features, the computation will fails and specific error messages will be sent to the report view.
    spectrums = sim.computeAutoFrequencySpectrumVectorF(v1, time)

    # show the results
    GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(len(spectrums), len(spectrums[0]), spectrums)


Back to the Top

Bretschneider Spectrum

The Bretschneider Spectrum is a two-parameter spectral model based on the assumption that the waves are narrow-banded with the wave characteristics following the Rayleigh distribution:

[math]\displaystyle{ S(\omega) = C_1\times H^2_s\left ( \frac{\omega^4_0}{\omega^5} \right )\mbox{exp}\left [ C_2\left ( \frac{\omega_0}{\omega} \right )^2 \right ] }[/math]

Feature Dependency

The features required by this feature are summarized as follows:


  • DataSignificantWaveHeight: The significant wave height.
  • DataSignificantWavePeriod: The significant wave period defined as the average period of the significant waves.
  • DataConstant1: A constant (0.2107 by default).
  • DataConstant2: A constant (-0.8429 by default).


The feature can be used from the python console as follows:

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
import GeneralToolsGui
import LabRPS
from LabRPS import Vector as vec

# Before you run this code, you should first have created a document with a SeaLab simulation with 
# active simulation points and frequency distribution
def compute():
    # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
    # check if the simulation does really exist
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None 
    featureType = "Bretschneider Spectrum"
    featureGroup = "Frequency Spectrum"
    # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
    # case you don't understand the next line)
    spectrum = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not spectrum:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the spectrum function feature.\n")
       return None 
    sim.MaxFrequency = '0.04 1/s'
    sim.NumberOfFrequency = 1024
    sim.FrequencyIncrement = sim.MaxFrequency/sim.NumberOfFrequency 

    # For this example we shall compute the cross spectrum matrix at time instant of 0 second and for the frequency value of 0.25 rad/s.
    time = 0.0

    # compute the simulation points coordinates
    simPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    if not simPoints :
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Make sure you have an active location disttribution in the simulation with at least 3 simulation points.\n")
       return None

    # let pick the first simulation point
    v1 = vec(simPoints[0][1], simPoints[0][2], simPoints[0][3])
    # compute the spectrum vector at time instant of 0 second 
    # Note that when the following code is run, SeaLab will try to identify the active locations distribution, the active frequency discretization,
    # If SeaLab fails to find these dependency features, the computation will fails and specific error messages will be sent to the report view.
    spectrums = sim.computeAutoFrequencySpectrumVectorF(v1, time)

    # show the results
    GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(len(spectrums), len(spectrums[0]), spectrums)


Back to the Top

ISSC Spectrum

The International Ship Structures Congress (1964) suggested slight modification of the Bretschneider spectrum given as:

[math]\displaystyle{ S(\omega) = C_1\times H^2_s\left ( \frac{\omega^4_0}{\omega^5} \right )\mbox{exp}\left [ C_2\left ( \frac{\omega_0}{\omega} \right )^2 \right ] }[/math]

Feature Dependency

The features required by this feature are summarized as follows:


  • DataSignificantWaveHeight: The significant wave height.
  • DataSignificantWavePeriod: The significant wave period defined as the average period of the significant waves.
  • DataConstant1: A constant (0.3123 by default).
  • DataConstant2: A constant (-1.2489 by default).


The feature can be used from the python console as follows:

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
import GeneralToolsGui
import LabRPS
from LabRPS import Vector as vec

# Before you run this code, you should first have created a document with a SeaLab simulation with 
# active simulation points and frequency distribution
def compute():
    # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
    # check if the simulation does really exist
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None 
    featureType = "ISSC Spectrum"
    featureGroup = "Frequency Spectrum"
    # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
    # case you don't understand the next line)
    spectrum = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not spectrum:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the spectrum function feature.\n")
       return None 
    sim.MaxFrequency = '0.04 1/s'
    sim.NumberOfFrequency = 1024
    sim.FrequencyIncrement = sim.MaxFrequency/sim.NumberOfFrequency 

    # For this example we shall compute the cross spectrum matrix at time instant of 0 second and for the frequency value of 0.25 rad/s.
    time = 0.0

    # compute the simulation points coordinates
    simPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    if not simPoints :
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Make sure you have an active location disttribution in the simulation with at least 3 simulation points.\n")
       return None

    # let pick the first simulation point
    v1 = vec(simPoints[0][1], simPoints[0][2], simPoints[0][3])
    # compute the spectrum vector at time instant of 0 second 
    # Note that when the following code is run, SeaLab will try to identify the active locations distribution, the active frequency discretization,
    # If SeaLab fails to find these dependency features, the computation will fails and specific error messages will be sent to the report view.
    spectrums = sim.computeAutoFrequencySpectrumVectorF(v1, time)

    # show the results
    GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(len(spectrums), len(spectrums[0]), spectrums)


Back to the Top

ITTC Spectrum

The Pierson Moskowitz spectrum was modified in the International Towing Tank Conference (1966, 1969,1972) given as:

[math]\displaystyle{ S(\omega) = \alpha g^2\omega^{-5}\mbox{exp}\left ( -\frac{4\alpha g^2\omega^{-4}}{H^2_s} \right ) }[/math]

Feature Dependency

The features required by this feature are summarized as follows:


  • DataSignificantWaveHeight: The significant wave height.
  • DataPhillipsConstant:The Phillips Constant (0.0081 by default).


The feature can be used from the python console as follows:

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
import GeneralToolsGui
import LabRPS
from LabRPS import Vector as vec

# Before you run this code, you should first have created a document with a SeaLab simulation with 
# active simulation points and frequency distribution
def compute():
    # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
    # check if the simulation does really exist
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None 
    featureType = "ITTC Spectrum"
    featureGroup = "Frequency Spectrum"
    # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
    # case you don't understand the next line)
    spectrum = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not spectrum:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the spectrum function feature.\n")
       return None 
    sim.MaxFrequency = '0.04 1/s'
    sim.NumberOfFrequency = 1024
    sim.FrequencyIncrement = sim.MaxFrequency/sim.NumberOfFrequency 

    # For this example we shall compute the cross spectrum matrix at time instant of 0 second and for the frequency value of 0.25 rad/s.
    time = 0.0

    # compute the simulation points coordinates
    simPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    if not simPoints :
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Make sure you have an active location disttribution in the simulation with at least 3 simulation points.\n")
       return None

    # let pick the first simulation point
    v1 = vec(simPoints[0][1], simPoints[0][2], simPoints[0][3])
    # compute the spectrum vector at time instant of 0 second 
    # Note that when the following code is run, SeaLab will try to identify the active locations distribution, the active frequency discretization,
    # If SeaLab fails to find these dependency features, the computation will fails and specific error messages will be sent to the report view.
    spectrums = sim.computeAutoFrequencySpectrumVectorF(v1, time)

    # show the results
    GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(len(spectrums), len(spectrums[0]), spectrums)


Back to the Top

Scott Spectrum

The Pierson Moskowitz spectrum was modified in the International Towing Tank Conference (1966, 1969,1972) given as:

[math]\displaystyle{ S(\omega) = 0.214 H^2_s\mbox{exp}\left [ -\frac{1}{0.065}\left ( \frac{\omega-\omega_p}{ \omega-\omega_p +0.26} \right )^{1/2} \right ], \quad \mbox{for } -0.26\lt \omega-\omega_p \lt 1.65 \mbox{ and } 0 \mbox{ elsewhere.} }[/math]

Feature Dependency

The features required by this feature are summarized as follows:


  • DataSignificantWaveHeight: the significant wave height.
  • DataPeakFrequency the peak frequency of the spectrum.


The feature can be used from the python console as follows:

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
import GeneralToolsGui
import LabRPS
from LabRPS import Vector as vec

# Before you run this code, you should first have created a document with a SeaLab simulation with 
# active simulation points and frequency distribution
def compute():
    # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
    # check if the simulation does really exist
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None 
    featureType = "Scott Spectrum"
    featureGroup = "Frequency Spectrum"
    # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
    # case you don't understand the next line)
    spectrum = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not spectrum:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the spectrum function feature.\n")
       return None 
    sim.MaxFrequency = '0.04 1/s'
    sim.NumberOfFrequency = 1024
    sim.FrequencyIncrement = sim.MaxFrequency/sim.NumberOfFrequency 

    # For this example we shall compute the cross spectrum matrix at time instant of 0 second and for the frequency value of 0.25 rad/s.
    time = 0.0

    # compute the simulation points coordinates
    simPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    if not simPoints :
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Make sure you have an active location disttribution in the simulation with at least 3 simulation points.\n")
       return None

    # let pick the first simulation point
    v1 = vec(simPoints[0][1], simPoints[0][2], simPoints[0][3])
    # compute the spectrum vector at time instant of 0 second 
    # Note that when the following code is run, SeaLab will try to identify the active locations distribution, the active frequency discretization,
    # If SeaLab fails to find these dependency features, the computation will fails and specific error messages will be sent to the report view.
    spectrums = sim.computeAutoFrequencySpectrumVectorF(v1, time)

    # show the results
    GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(len(spectrums), len(spectrums[0]), spectrums)


Back to the Top

WEN Spectrum

WEN spectrum is the wave spectrum of China offshore. It can describe the different stages of wind wave growth and adapt to different water depths:

[math]\displaystyle{ S(\omega) = \frac{m_0p}{\omega_w}\mbox{exp}\left \{ -95\left [ ln\frac{p \left ( 5.813− 5.137\eta \right )}{\left ( 6.77− 1.088p+0.013p^2 \right )\left ( 1.307− 1.426\eta \right )} \right ]\left ( \frac{\omega}{\omega_0} - 1\right )^{12/5} \right \}, \quad \mbox{for } 0 \le \omega \le 1.15\omega_w }[/math]

[math]\displaystyle{ S(\omega) = \frac{m_0}{\omega_w} \frac{\left ( 6.77− 1.088p+0.013p^2 \right )\left ( 1.307− 1.426\eta \right )}{ 5.813− 5.137\eta} \left ( \frac{1.15\omega_w}{\omega} \right )^m, \quad \mbox{for } \omega \ge 1.15\omega_w }[/math]

Feature Dependency

The features required by this feature are summarized as follows:


  • DataSignificantWaveHeight: the significant wave height.
  • DataSignificantWavePeriod significant wave period defined as the average period of the significant waves.
  • DataDepthParameter: The depth parameter taken between 0 and 0.5.
  • DataTenMetersHeightMeanWindSpeed the mean wind speed at 10 meters above ground.


The feature can be used from the python console as follows:

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
import GeneralToolsGui
import LabRPS
from LabRPS import Vector as vec

# Before you run this code, you should first have created a document with a SeaLab simulation with 
# active simulation points and frequency distribution
def compute():
    # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
    # check if the simulation does really exist
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None 
    featureType = "WEN Spectrum"
    featureGroup = "Frequency Spectrum"
    # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
    # case you don't understand the next line)
    spectrum = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not spectrum:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the spectrum function feature.\n")
       return None 
    sim.MaxFrequency = '4 1/s'
    sim.NumberOfFrequency = 1024
    sim.FrequencyIncrement = sim.MaxFrequency/sim.NumberOfFrequency 

    # For this example we shall compute the cross spectrum matrix at time instant of 0 second and for the frequency value of 0.25 rad/s.
    time = 0.0

    # compute the simulation points coordinates
    simPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    if not simPoints :
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Make sure you have an active location disttribution in the simulation with at least 3 simulation points.\n")
       return None

    # let pick the first simulation point
    v1 = vec(simPoints[0][1], simPoints[0][2], simPoints[0][3])
    # compute the spectrum vector at time instant of 0 second 
    # Note that when the following code is run, SeaLab will try to identify the active locations distribution, the active frequency discretization,
    # If SeaLab fails to find these dependency features, the computation will fails and specific error messages will be sent to the report view.
    spectrums = sim.computeAutoFrequencySpectrumVectorF(v1, time)

    # show the results
    GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(len(spectrums), len(spectrums[0]), spectrums)


Back to the Top

Borgman Directional Spreading Function

The Borgman directional spreading function is based on a circular normal distribution of Mobarek (1965) and Fan (1968):

[math]\displaystyle{ D(\theta) = \frac{1}{2I_0\left ( \theta_p \right )}\mbox{exp}\left [ a\mbox{cos}\left ( \theta - \theta_p \right ) \right ] }[/math]


[math]\displaystyle{ I_0\left ( \theta_p \right ) }[/math] is the Bessel function of the second kind and zeroth order.

Feature Dependency

The features required by this feature are summarized as follows:


  • DataAngleOfPropagationOfPredominantWaveEnergy: The angle of propagation of predominant wave energy..
  • DataPositiveConstant : A positive constant.


The feature can be used from the python console as follows:

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
import GeneralToolsGui
import LabRPS
from LabRPS import Vector as vec

# Before you run this code, you should first have created a document with a SeaLab simulation with 
# active simulation points and frequency distribution
def compute():
    # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
    # check if the simulation does really exist
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None 
    featureType = "Borgman Directional Spreading Function"
    featureGroup = "Directional Spreading Function"
    # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
    # case you don't understand the next line)
    spreading = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not spreading:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the spreading function feature.\n")
       return None 
    sim.MinDirection = '-90 deg'
    sim.MaxDirection = '90 deg'
    sim.NumberOfDirectionIncrements = 1024
    sim.DirectionIncrement = (sim.MaxDirection-sim.MinDirection)/sim.NumberOfDirectionIncrements 

    # For this example we shall compute the spreading function for the frequency value of 0.25 rad/s.
    frequency = 0.04 #hz

    # compute the simulation points coordinates
    simPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    if not simPoints :
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Make sure you have an active location disttribution in the simulation with at least one simulation point.\n")
       return None

    # let pick the first simulation point
    v1 = vec(simPoints[0][1], simPoints[0][2], simPoints[0][3])
    # compute the spreading function vector for a frequency of 0.24 rad/s
    # Note that when the following code is run, SeaLab will try to identify the active locations distribution, the active frequency discretization,
    # If SeaLab fails to find these dependency features, the computation will fails and specific error messages will be sent to the report view.
    spreadings = sim.computeDirectionalSpreadingFunctionVectorD(v1, frequency)

    # show the results
    GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(len(spreadings), len(spreadings[0]), spreadings)


Back to the Top

Cos2s Directional Spreading Function

The Cos2s directional spreading function is based on the cosine function with a spreading parameter which does not vary with frequency:

[math]\displaystyle{ D(\theta) = \frac{\Gamma^2\left ( s+1\right )}{\Gamma\left ( 2s+1\right )}\mbox{cos}^{2s}\left ( \frac{\theta -\theta_0}{2} \right ) }[/math]

Feature Dependency

The features required by this feature are summarized as follows:


  • DataPrincipalWaveDirection: The angle defining the principal direction in which the wave is propagating.
  • DataSpreadingExponent :The spreading exponent.


The feature can be used from the python console as follows:

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
import GeneralToolsGui
import LabRPS
from LabRPS import Vector as vec

# Before you run this code, you should first have created a document with a SeaLab simulation with 
# active simulation points and frequency distribution
def compute():
    # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
    # check if the simulation does really exist
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None 
    featureType = "Cos2s Directional Spreading Function"
    featureGroup = "Directional Spreading Function"
    # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
    # case you don't understand the next line)
    spreading = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not spreading:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the spreading function feature.\n")
       return None 
    sim.MinDirection = '-90 deg'
    sim.MaxDirection = '90 deg'
    sim.NumberOfDirectionIncrements = 1024
    sim.DirectionIncrement = (sim.MaxDirection-sim.MinDirection)/sim.NumberOfDirectionIncrements 

    # For this example we shall compute the spreading function for the frequency value of 0.25 rad/s.
    frequency = 0.04 #hz

    # compute the simulation points coordinates
    simPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    if not simPoints :
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Make sure you have an active location disttribution in the simulation with at least one simulation point.\n")
       return None

    # let pick the first simulation point
    v1 = vec(simPoints[0][1], simPoints[0][2], simPoints[0][3])
    # compute the spreading function vector for a frequency of 0.24 rad/s
    # Note that when the following code is run, SeaLab will try to identify the active locations distribution, the active frequency discretization,
    # If SeaLab fails to find these dependency features, the computation will fails and specific error messages will be sent to the report view.
    spreadings = sim.computeDirectionalSpreadingFunctionVectorD(v1, frequency)

    # show the results
    GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(len(spreadings), len(spreadings[0]), spreadings)


Back to the Top

Cosine Squared Directional Spreading Function

The cosine squared directional spreading function assumes that spreading is proportional to [math]\displaystyle{ (cos 0)^2 }[/math]. It does not vary with frequency:

[math]\displaystyle{ D(\theta) = \left ( \frac{2}{\pi} \right )\mbox{cos}^{2}\left ( \theta \right ) }[/math]

Feature Dependency

The features required by this feature are summarized as follows:


The feature can be used from the python console as follows:

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
import GeneralToolsGui
import LabRPS
from LabRPS import Vector as vec

# Before you run this code, you should first have created a document with a SeaLab simulation with 
# active simulation points and frequency distribution
def compute():
    # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
    # check if the simulation does really exist
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None 
    featureType = "Cosine Squared Directional Spreading Function"
    featureGroup = "Directional Spreading Function"
    # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
    # case you don't understand the next line)
    spreading = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not spreading:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the spreading function feature.\n")
       return None 
    sim.MinDirection = '-90 deg'
    sim.MaxDirection = '90 deg'
    sim.NumberOfDirectionIncrements = 1024
    sim.DirectionIncrement = (sim.MaxDirection-sim.MinDirection)/sim.NumberOfDirectionIncrements 

    # For this example we shall compute the spreading function for the frequency value of 0.25 rad/s.
    frequency = 0.04 #hz

    # compute the simulation points coordinates
    simPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    if not simPoints :
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Make sure you have an active location disttribution in the simulation with at least one simulation point.\n")
       return None

    # let pick the first simulation point
    v1 = vec(simPoints[0][1], simPoints[0][2], simPoints[0][3])
    # compute the spreading function vector for a frequency of 0.24 rad/s
    # Note that when the following code is run, SeaLab will try to identify the active locations distribution, the active frequency discretization,
    # If SeaLab fails to find these dependency features, the computation will fails and specific error messages will be sent to the report view.
    spreadings = sim.computeDirectionalSpreadingFunctionVectorD(v1, frequency)

    # show the results
    GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(len(spreadings), len(spreadings[0]), spreadings)


Back to the Top

Mitsuyasu Directional Spreading Function

Mitsuyasu et al. (1975) propose the following directional spreading function:

[math]\displaystyle{ D(\theta, \omega) = \frac{2^{2s-1}}{\pi}\frac{\Gamma^2\left ( s+1\right )}{\Gamma\left ( 2s+1\right )}\left | \mbox{cos}\left ( \frac{\theta}{2} \right )\right |^{2s} }[/math]


[math]\displaystyle{ s = \begin{cases} s_m\left ( \frac{\omega}{\omega_m} \right )^5, & \mbox{for } \omega \le \omega_m \\ \\ s_m\left ( \frac{\omega}{\omega_m} \right )^{-2.5}, & \mbox{for } \omega \gt \omega_m \end{cases} }[/math]

[math]\displaystyle{ s_m = 11.5\left ( \frac{\omega_mU}{g} \right )^{-2.5} }[/math]

Feature Dependency

The features required by this feature are summarized as follows:


  • DataModalFrequency: The modal frequency.
  • DataTenMeterHeightmeanWindSpeed : The mean wind speed at 10 meters above aground.


The feature can be used from the python console as follows:

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
import GeneralToolsGui
import LabRPS
from LabRPS import Vector as vec

# Before you run this code, you should first have created a document with a SeaLab simulation with 
# active simulation points and frequency distribution
def compute():
    # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
    # check if the simulation does really exist
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None 
    featureType = "Mitsuyasu Directional Spreading Function"
    featureGroup = "Directional Spreading Function"
    # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
    # case you don't understand the next line)
    spreading = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not spreading:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the spreading function feature.\n")
       return None
    spreading.ModalFrequency = '0.004 1/s'
    sim.MinDirection = '-90 deg'
    sim.MaxDirection = '90 deg'
    sim.NumberOfDirectionIncrements = 1024
    sim.DirectionIncrement = (sim.MaxDirection-sim.MinDirection)/sim.NumberOfDirectionIncrements 

    # For this example we shall compute the spreading function for the frequency value of 0.25 rad/s.
    frequency = 0.004 #hz

    # compute the simulation points coordinates
    simPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    if not simPoints :
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Make sure you have an active location disttribution in the simulation with at least one simulation point.\n")
       return None

    # let pick the first simulation point
    v1 = vec(simPoints[0][1], simPoints[0][2], simPoints[0][3])
    # compute the spreading function vector for a frequency of 0.24 rad/s
    # Note that when the following code is run, SeaLab will try to identify the active locations distribution, the active frequency discretization,
    # If SeaLab fails to find these dependency features, the computation will fails and specific error messages will be sent to the report view.
    spreadings = sim.computeDirectionalSpreadingFunctionVectorD(v1, frequency)

    # show the results
    GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(len(spreadings), len(spreadings[0]), spreadings)


Back to the Top

Hasselmann Directional Spreading Function

From analysis of measured data, Hasselmann et al. (1980) propose the following directional spreading function:

[math]\displaystyle{ D(\theta, \omega) = \frac{2^{2s-1}}{\pi}\frac{\Gamma^2\left ( s+1\right )}{\Gamma\left ( 2s+1\right )}\left | \mbox{cos}\left ( \frac{\theta}{2} \right )\right |^{2s} }[/math]


[math]\displaystyle{ s = \begin{cases} 6.97\left ( \frac{\omega}{\omega_m} \right )^{4.06}, & \mbox{for } \omega \le 1.05\omega_m \\ \\ 9.77\left ( \frac{\omega}{\omega_m} \right )^{\mu}, & \mbox{for } \omega \gt 1.05\omega_m \end{cases} }[/math]

[math]\displaystyle{ s_m = -2.33-1.45\left ( \frac{\omega_mU}{g} -1.17\right ) }[/math]

Feature Dependency

The features required by this feature are summarized as follows:


  • DataModalFrequency: The modal frequency.
  • DataMeanWindSpeed : The mean wind speed.
  • DataWaveCelerity : The wave celerity corresponding to the modal frequency.


The feature can be used from the python console as follows:

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
import GeneralToolsGui
import LabRPS
from LabRPS import Vector as vec

# Before you run this code, you should first have created a document with a SeaLab simulation with 
# active simulation points and frequency distribution
def compute():
    # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
    # check if the simulation does really exist
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None 
    featureType = "Hasselmann Directional Spreading Function"
    featureGroup = "Directional Spreading Function"
    # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
    # case you don't understand the next line)
    spreading = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not spreading:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the spreading function feature.\n")
       return None 
    spreading.ModalFrequency = '0.004 1/s'
    sim.MinDirection = '-90 deg'
    sim.MaxDirection = '90 deg'
    sim.NumberOfDirectionIncrements = 1024
    sim.DirectionIncrement = (sim.MaxDirection-sim.MinDirection)/sim.NumberOfDirectionIncrements 

    # For this example we shall compute the spreading function for the frequency value of 0.25 rad/s.
    frequency = 0.04 #hz

    # compute the simulation points coordinates
    simPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    if not simPoints :
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Make sure you have an active location disttribution in the simulation with at least one simulation point.\n")
       return None

    # let pick the first simulation point
    v1 = vec(simPoints[0][1], simPoints[0][2], simPoints[0][3])
    # compute the spreading function vector for a frequency of 0.24 rad/s
    # Note that when the following code is run, SeaLab will try to identify the active locations distribution, the active frequency discretization,
    # If SeaLab fails to find these dependency features, the computation will fails and specific error messages will be sent to the report view.
    spreadings = sim.computeDirectionalSpreadingFunctionVectorD(v1, frequency)

    # show the results
    GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(len(spreadings), len(spreadings[0]), spreadings)


Back to the Top

Longuet Higgins Directional Spreading Function

The Longuet-Higgins directional spreading function is as follows:

[math]\displaystyle{ D(\theta,\omega) = \frac{1}{2\sqrt{\pi}}\frac{\Gamma\left ( s+1\right )}{\Gamma\left ( s+1/2\right )}\mbox{cos}^{2s}\left ( \frac{\theta_w -\theta}{2} \right ) }[/math]

[math]\displaystyle{ s = 11.5\left ( \frac{g}{\omega_pU_{10}} \right )^{2.5}\left ( \frac{\omega}{\omega_p} \right )^{\mu} }[/math]

Feature Dependency

The features required by this feature are summarized as follows:


  • DataPeakFrequency: The peak frequency.
  • DataTenMeterHeightMeanWindSpeed : The mean wind speed at ten meters above ground.
  • DataMainDirection : The main propagation direction of the wave.


The feature can be used from the python console as follows:

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
import GeneralToolsGui
import LabRPS
from LabRPS import Vector as vec

# Before you run this code, you should first have created a document with a SeaLab simulation with 
# active simulation points and frequency distribution
def compute():
    # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
    # check if the simulation does really exist
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None 
    featureType = "Longuet-Higgins Directional Spreading Function"
    featureGroup = "Directional Spreading Function"
    # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
    # case you don't understand the next line)
    spreading = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not spreading:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the spreading function feature.\n")
       return None 
    sim.MinDirection = '-90 deg'
    sim.MaxDirection = '90 deg'
    sim.NumberOfDirectionIncrements = 1024
    sim.DirectionIncrement = (sim.MaxDirection-sim.MinDirection)/sim.NumberOfDirectionIncrements 

    # For this example we shall compute the spreading function for the frequency value of 0.25 rad/s.
    frequency = 0.04 #hz

    # compute the simulation points coordinates
    simPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    if not simPoints :
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Make sure you have an active location disttribution in the simulation with at least one simulation point.\n")
       return None

    # let pick the first simulation point
    v1 = vec(simPoints[0][1], simPoints[0][2], simPoints[0][3])
    # compute the spreading function vector for a frequency of 0.24 rad/s
    # Note that when the following code is run, SeaLab will try to identify the active locations distribution, the active frequency discretization,
    # If SeaLab fails to find these dependency features, the computation will fails and specific error messages will be sent to the report view.
    spreadings = sim.computeDirectionalSpreadingFunctionVectorD(v1, frequency)

    # show the results
    GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(len(spreadings), len(spreadings[0]), spreadings)


Back to the Top

OrcaFlex Directional Spreading Function

The directional spreading spectrum used by OrcaFlex is:

[math]\displaystyle{ D(\theta,\omega) = K(n)\ \cos^n(\theta-\theta_\mathrm{p}) \quad \text{ for } {-\tfrac\pi2} \leq \theta-\theta_\mathrm{p} \leq \tfrac\pi2 }[/math]


[math]\displaystyle{ K(n) = \dfrac{\Gamma\left(\frac{n}{2}+1\right)}{\sqrt{\pi}\Gamma\left(\frac{n}{2}+\frac12\right)} }[/math]

Feature Dependency

The features required by this feature are summarized as follows:


  • DataPrincipalWaveDirection: The principal wave direction.
  • DataSpreadingExponent : The spreading exponent.


The feature can be used from the python console as follows:

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
import GeneralToolsGui
import LabRPS
from LabRPS import Vector as vec

# Before you run this code, you should first have created a document with a SeaLab simulation with 
# active simulation points and frequency distribution
def compute():
    # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
    # check if the simulation does really exist
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None 
    featureType = "OrcaFlex Directional Spreading Function"
    featureGroup = "Directional Spreading Function"
    # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
    # case you don't understand the next line)
    spreading = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not spreading:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the spreading function feature.\n")
       return None 
    sim.MinDirection = '-90 deg'
    sim.MaxDirection = '90 deg'
    sim.NumberOfDirectionIncrements = 1024
    sim.DirectionIncrement = (sim.MaxDirection-sim.MinDirection)/sim.NumberOfDirectionIncrements 

    # For this example we shall compute the spreading function for the frequency value of 0.25 rad/s.
    frequency = 0.04 #hz

    # compute the simulation points coordinates
    simPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    if not simPoints :
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Make sure you have an active location disttribution in the simulation with at least one simulation point.\n")
       return None

    # let pick the first simulation point
    v1 = vec(simPoints[0][1], simPoints[0][2], simPoints[0][3])
    # compute the spreading function vector for a frequency of 0.24 rad/s
    # Note that when the following code is run, SeaLab will try to identify the active locations distribution, the active frequency discretization,
    # If SeaLab fails to find these dependency features, the computation will fails and specific error messages will be sent to the report view.
    spreadings = sim.computeDirectionalSpreadingFunctionVectorD(v1, frequency)

    # show the results
    GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(len(spreadings), len(spreadings[0]), spreadings)


Back to the Top

SWOP Directional Spreading Function

The SWOP(stereo wave observation project) directional spreading function is as follows:

[math]\displaystyle{ D(\theta,\omega) = \frac{1}{\pi}\left \{ 1 + \left [ 0.5 +0.82\mbox{exp}\left [ \frac{\left ( \omega /\omega_0 \right )^4}{2} \right ] \right ] \mbox{cos}\left ( 2\theta \right )+ 0.32\mbox{exp}\left [ \frac{\left ( \omega /\omega_0 \right )^4}{2} \right ]\mbox{cos}\left ( 4\theta \right )\right \} }[/math]

[math]\displaystyle{ \omega_0 = \frac{0.855\times g}{U_{10}} }[/math]

Feature Dependency

The features required by this feature are summarized as follows:


  • DataTenMeterHeightMeanWindSpeed : The mean wind speed at ten meters above ground.


The feature can be used from the python console as follows:

import SeaLab
import SeaLabObjects
import GeneralToolsGui
import LabRPS
from LabRPS import Vector as vec

# Before you run this code, you should first have created a document with a SeaLab simulation with 
# active simulation points and frequency distribution
def compute():
    # get an existing SeaLab simulation called "Simulation"
    sim = SeaLab.getSimulation("Simulation")
    # check if the simulation does really exist
    if not sim:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
       return None 
    featureType = "SWOP Directional Spreading Function"
    featureGroup = "Directional Spreading Function"
    # create the feature and add it to the existing simulation (you may refer to the SeaLab Workbench page in 
    # case you don't understand the next line)
    spreading = SeaLabObjects.makeFeature("MyNewFeature", sim.Name, featureType, featureGroup)
    # check if the created feature is good
    if not spreading:
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the spreading function feature.\n")
       return None 
    sim.MinDirection = '-90 deg'
    sim.MaxDirection = '90 deg'
    sim.NumberOfDirectionIncrements = 1024
    sim.DirectionIncrement = (sim.MaxDirection-sim.MinDirection)/sim.NumberOfDirectionIncrements 

    # For this example we shall compute the spreading function for the frequency value of 0.25 rad/s.
    frequency = 0.04 #hz

    # compute the simulation points coordinates
    simPoints = sim.computeLocationCoordinateMatrixP3()

    if not simPoints :
       LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Make sure you have an active location disttribution in the simulation with at least one simulation point.\n")
       return None

    # let pick the first simulation point
    v1 = vec(simPoints[0][1], simPoints[0][2], simPoints[0][3])
    # compute the spreading function vector for a frequency of 0.24 rad/s
    # Note that when the following code is run, SeaLab will try to identify the active locations distribution, the active frequency discretization,
    # If SeaLab fails to find these dependency features, the computation will fails and specific error messages will be sent to the report view.
    spreadings = sim.computeDirectionalSpreadingFunctionVectorD(v1, frequency)

    # show the results
    GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(len(spreadings), len(spreadings[0]), spreadings)


Back to the Top