SeismicLab Workbench
The SeismicLab Workbench provides a modern seismic ground motion simulation workflow for LabRPS. Mainly this means all tools to make an simulation are combined into one graphical user interface (GUI).
Seismic Ground Motion
Seismic ground motion refers to the vibrations or displacements of the Earth’s surface caused by seismic waves generated during an earthquake or other geophysical events, such as volcanic activity or man-made explosions. These motions are typically characterized by their amplitude, frequency, duration, and direction, which vary depending on the source, type of seismic waves, and local geological conditions. Understanding seismic ground motion is crucial for assessing the impact of earthquakes and other seismic activities on buildings, infrastructure, and natural environments. Seismic ground motion is an essential consideration in both engineering and earth sciences, as it directly influences the design of structures and provides valuable information for understanding the Earth's internal processes. The primary types of seismic waves responsible for ground motion are P-waves (Primary waves), S-waves (Secondary waves), and surface waves (Rayleigh and Love waves), each having different propagation characteristics and effects on the ground. Key applications include:
Seismic Design Codes: Building codes incorporate seismic design provisions that account for the expected ground motion in a specific region. These codes consider factors such as seismic hazard levels, soil conditions, and building type to ensure structures are resilient to ground shaking.
Dynamic Analysis: Engineers perform dynamic analysis of structures to simulate how they will respond to seismic ground motion. This includes modeling the structure’s natural frequency, damping characteristics, and mode shapes to predict how it will oscillate during an earthquake.
Base Isolation: Technologies such as base isolators or dampers are used to reduce the transmission of seismic forces from the ground to the structure, protecting critical infrastructure like hospitals, bridges, and government buildings.
Risk Assessment: Seismic ground motion data is essential in assessing the earthquake risk to existing structures. This includes evaluating whether a building or infrastructure can withstand expected ground shaking based on its design and the local seismic hazard.
Soil Liquefaction: During strong ground motion, certain types of soil (especially saturated sandy soils) may lose their strength and behave like a liquid, a phenomenon known as liquefaction. This can lead to building settlement, tilting, or even collapse. Geotechnical engineers use seismic ground motion data to assess liquefaction potential and design appropriate foundations.
Seismic Site Response: The geological properties of a site, such as the type of soil and rock layers, significantly influence how seismic waves are amplified or attenuated. Engineers use seismic ground motion data to model site-specific response and tailor foundation designs that account for local ground shaking.
Dynamic Soil Testing: In situ testing, such as cyclic triaxial tests or shake table experiments, is used to measure soil behavior under seismic loading and inform foundation design decisions.
Seismic Hazard Maps: Seismologists use seismic ground motion data from past earthquakes, along with probabilistic models, to create seismic hazard maps that show the likelihood of various levels of ground shaking in different geographic areas. These maps are used for urban planning, building codes, and emergency response planning.
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA): This analysis combines seismic ground motion data with fault models to estimate the probability of earthquake-induced ground shaking at various intensity levels over a specific period. This helps engineers and urban planners prepare for potential seismic events and prioritize mitigation efforts.
Early Warning Systems: Seismic ground motion data is used in early warning systems that can detect the initial seismic waves (P-waves) of an earthquake and provide valuable seconds to minutes of warning before the more damaging S-waves and surface waves arrive, enabling people to take protective actions.
Earthquake Modeling and Earth’s Internal Structure: Seismologists study seismic waves to understand the Earth’s interior, including the crust, mantle, and core. The way seismic waves travel through different layers of the Earth provides important data for mapping geological structures and understanding tectonic processes.
Ground Motion Prediction: Researchers use seismic data to develop models that predict the impact of future earthquakes on the Earth’s surface. These models are useful for hazard assessment and for studying the dynamic behavior of faults and tectonic plates.
Environmental Impact: Seismic ground motion can have significant effects on the environment, such as triggering landslides, tsunamis, or surface ruptures. Understanding the characteristics of seismic ground motion is essential for assessing potential environmental hazards in regions prone to earthquakes.
The steps to carry out a ground motion simulation are:
- Preprocessing: setting up the simulation requirements.
- Intalling the required plugins: Every simulation feature in SeismicLab are provided by plugins. So appropriate plugins should be installed first.
- Creating a simulation.
- Adding a simulation method (a simulation model).
- Adding every SeismicLab Feature that is required for the selected simulation method.
- Simulation: running the simulation.
- Postprocessing: visualizing the simulation results from within LabRPS, or exporting the results so they can be postprocessed with another application.
Workflow of the SeismicLab Workbench
Menu: SeismicLab
Create Simulation: Creates a new container for a numerical simulation.
Create Feature: Creates a new SeismicLab Feature.
Start: Starts the active simulation in the active document.
Stop: Stops the running simulation.
Preferences...: Preferences available in SeismicLab.
Coming soon.

- Getting started
- Installation: Download, Windows, Linux, Mac, Additional components, AppImage
- Basics: About LabRPS, Interface, RPS Objects, Object name, Preferences, Workbenches, Document structure, Properties, Help LabRPS, Donate
- Help: Tutorials, Video tutorials
- Workbenches: Std Base, WindLab, SeismicLab, SeaLab, UserLab, Spreadsheet, Plot, Web
- Hubs: User hub, Power users hub, Developer hub