Below are the different donation options currently supported by the project. Remember, it will never be required to pay money to use, study, distribute or develop LabRPS. Donations however help LabRPS and its developers to dedicate time and ressources to make the project grow faster and further.
LabRPS LiberaPay team (recommended) |
There are also always other ways to help instead of donating money or coding, such as working on the documentation, on translations, or help new users to find their way. See the Help LabRPS page to know more.
More details about the different options
LabRPS has an official LiberaPay team account; There, you can donate any amount via credit card, Paypal or SEPA bank transfer, one time only or recurrently. Any money received here is split equally among the listed developers. This is the recommended option as it funds developers directly. The Liberapay platform is also open-source and doesn't take any percentage on your donation. The LiberaPay account is managed directly by its members.
You can help support the project by donating directly to Koffi's paypal account. Koffi is the original developer of LabRPS. Paypal is a convenient platform but charges a fee on what LabRPS receives.
We call sponsoring the act of donating money recurrently to the LabRPS project. You can do that as an individual or as a company or institution, through different channels or platforms, depending on your preferences. You can sponsor LabRPS via the sponsoring page. Sponsoring LabRPS allows its developers to count on a steady flow of income, so it allows the LPA to plan things ahead, and the LabRPS developers to invest themselves more seriously into LabRPS. To encourage persons and companies to sponsor the LabRPS project, we have created different sponsoring tiers. By donating regularly to the project, you will have the possibility to have your name, company name and/or logo to be featured on the LabRPS website, depending on the tier you fit into. Instead of donating each month, you might find it more comfortable to make a one-tine donation that, when divided by twelve, would give you right to enter a sponsoring tier. Don't hesitate to do so!

- Getting started
- Installation: Download, Windows, Linux, Mac, Additional components, AppImage
- Basics: About LabRPS, Interface, RPS Objects, Object name, Preferences, Workbenches, Document structure, Properties, Help LabRPS, Donate
- Help: Tutorials, Video tutorials
- Workbenches: Std Base, WindLab, SeismicLab, SeaLab, UserLab, Spreadsheet, Plot, Web
- Hubs: User hub, Power users hub, Developer hub