This page presents a selection of high quality written tutorials. A complete, unsorted list of tutorials can be found in Category:Tutorials, a complete and sortable one can be found in the table below.
If you'd like to contribute with writing wiki documentation and tutorials, see the general wiki guidelines in WikiPages. Please notice the version of LabRPS used in the tutorial as some tutorials may use an old version of the program. Although the general simulation process may still work, some tools may have changed.
See also video tutorials.
These are tutorials that are related to scripting or programming. They are geared towards more experienced users, who are already somewhat familiar with the program.
Tutorials - Comprehensive list
Here are listed all the tutorials that are not in the manual regardless of their quality. If a tutorial is listed in the Category:Tutorials and not in this table please insert it.
Tutorial | Topic | Level | Authors | LabRPS version | Example files |
WindLab Tutorial 1 | Wind Simulation Points(George Deodatis, 1996) | Beginner/intermediate | Koffi Daniel | 0.1.0 | None |

- Getting started
- Installation: Download, Windows, Linux, Mac, Additional components, AppImage
- Basics: About LabRPS, Interface, RPS Objects, Object name, Preferences, Workbenches, Document structure, Properties, Help LabRPS, Donate
- Help: Tutorials, Video tutorials
- Workbenches: Std Base, WindLab, SeismicLab, SeaLab, UserLab, Spreadsheet, Plot, Web
- Hubs: User hub, Power users hub, Developer hub