FeaturePython Custom Properties
See also: Autogenerated API documentation (C++ documentation).
Properties are the true building blocks of FeaturePython objects. Through them, the user will be able to interact and modify your object. After creating a new FeaturePython object in your document:
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "Box")
You can get a list of the available properties by issuing:
== Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it
This code will create an object with internal name InternalObjectName
(automatically renamed to InternalObjectName001
and so on, if an object named InternalObjectName
already exists) and give it the user-friendly label User-friendly label
. This label will be displayed in the Tree view. Expressions can refer to this object by its label using <<User-friendly label>>
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label"
To add a property to this object, use the long form of addProperty
as shown below. LabRPS will automatically split ThePropertyName
and display it with spaces (The Property Name
) in the Data tab of the Property editor.
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip")
is the type of the property. The different types are described in more detail below.
You can also use the short form which omits the last two arguments. The subsection defaults to Base
, and the tooltip is not displayed with this form.
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool", "ThePropertyName")
To get or set the property, use obj.ThePropertyName
# set obj.ThePropertyName = True # get thePropertyValue = obj.ThePropertyName
If the type of the property is App::PropertyEnumeration, the setter has a special behavior: setting a list of strings defines the cases allowed by the enumeration, setting a string selects one of these cases. To set the list of possible cases and set the current one, use:
# allowed cases obj.ThePropertyName = ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc"] # set obj.ThePropertyName = "bbb"
A Template:TODOacceleration property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyAcceleration", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
An angle property. It can contain an angle
value. You can use "Value" variable to get float variable. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyAngle", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = 180 obj.ThePropertyName # returns 180.0 deg obj.ThePropertyName.Value # returns 180.0
A Template:TODOarea property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyArea", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A boolean property. It can contain True
and False
. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = True obj.ThePropertyName = False obj.ThePropertyName # returns False
A property containing a list of booleans. It can contain a Python list of booleans, e.g. [True, False, True]
. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBoolList", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [True, False, True] obj.ThePropertyName # returns [True, False, True] obj.ThePropertyName[1] # returns False
A color property. It can contain tuple of four float
values. Each item can take values between 0.0 and 1.0. You can set red, green and blue values. Also you can set step transparency too. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyColor", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = (0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.8) # (Red, Green, Blue, Transparency) obj.ThePropertyName # returns (0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.8)
A Template:TODOcolorList property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyColorList", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
Identical to App::PropertyVectorDistance.
A distance property. It can contain a positive, negative or zero distance
value. Use the "Value" member of the property to get the value as a float number. The value is always in mm, but in the Property editor is presented with units according to the preferences. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
App::PropertyLength is a similar property that cannot contain a negative value.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyDistance", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = 500 obj.ThePropertyName # returns "500.0 mm" obj.ThePropertyName.Value # returns 500.0
An enumeration property. The allowed items are defined by setting the property to a list. After that, it can contain items of the given list. The list of allowed items can be changed by setting the property to a list again. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyEnumeration", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = ["Foo", "Bar", "Baz"] # set allowed items obj.ThePropertyName = "Foo" # choose single item obj.ThePropertyName = ["Foo", "Bar", "Quux"] # change allowed items obj.ThePropertyName = "Quux" # choose single item obj.ThePropertyName # returns "Quux"
You can also group enumerations, which are displayed in the GUI using a submenu interface. To group, use the |
character (vertical pipe) as a separator, e.g.:
obj.ThePropertyName = [ "Group 1 '"`UNIQ--nowiki-00000011-QINU`"' Item A", "Group 1 '"`UNIQ--nowiki-00000012-QINU`"' Item B", "Group 2 '"`UNIQ--nowiki-00000013-QINU`"' Another item", "Group 2 '"`UNIQ--nowiki-00000014-QINU`"' Last item" ] # set allowed items obj.ThePropertyName = "Group 1 '"`UNIQ--nowiki-00000015-QINU`"' Item A" # choose single item
The GUI will display this as a menu structure:
- Group 1
- Item A
- Item B
- Group 2
- Another item
- Last item
A Template:TODOexpressionEngine property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyExpressionEngine", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A filename property. It can contain a string indicating the path to a filename Template:TODO:(Does it allow relative paths or absolute paths or both?). For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFile", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A filename property that also includes the file itself into the document. The file doesn't get loaded into memory, it gets copied from the document archive into the document transient directory. There it is accessible for reading. You can get the transient path through getDocTransientPath()
. As input, the property accepts a string containing the path to the original file. The property returns the path to the temporary file in the transient directory. For more details, see this example from the Arch Workbench.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFileIncluded", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = "D:/file.txt" obj.ThePropertyName # returns the path to the temporary file
A float property. It can contain a float
value. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = 15.7 obj.ThePropertyName # returns 15.7
A float constraint property. It can contain a float
value. By using this property you can set start and finish values. Also you can set step interval too. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloatConstraint", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = (50.0, 0.0, 100.0, 1.0) # (Default, Start, Finish, Step) obj.ThePropertyName # returns 50.0
A float list property. It can contain list of float
values. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloatList", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [12.7, 5.8, 28.6, 17.22] # It can also be an empty list. obj.ThePropertyName # returns [12.7, 5.8, 28.6, 17.22]
A Template:TODOfont property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFont", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOforce property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyForce", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOfrequency property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFrequency", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
An integer property. It can contain an integer value from -2147483646 to 2147483647 included. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyInteger", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = 25 obj.ThePropertyName # returns 25
An integer constraint property. With this property you can set a default value, a minimum value, a maximum value and a step size. All values should be integers and can range from -2147483646 to 2147483647 included. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyIntegerConstraint", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = (50, 0, 100, 1) # (Default, Minimum, Maximum, Step size) obj.ThePropertyName # returns 50
An integer list property. It can contain list of integer
values. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyIntegerList", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [12, 5, 28, 17] # It can also be an empty list. obj.ThePropertyName # returns [12, 5, 28, 17]
A Template:TODOintegerSet property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyIntegerSet", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A length property. It can contain a positive or zero length
value. Use the "Value" member of the property to get the value as a float number. The value is always in mm, but in the Property editor is presented with units according to the preferences. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
App::PropertyDistance is a similar property that can also contain a negative value.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = 500 obj.ThePropertyName # returns "500.0 mm" obj.ThePropertyName.Value # returns 500.0
A link property. It can contain link to an object. When you call this property, it will return the linked object. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
link_obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "LinkObjectName") obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLink", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = link_obj obj.ThePropertyName # returns link_obj
A Template:TODOlinkChild property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkChild", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOlinkGlobal property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkGlobal", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOlinkHidden property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkHidden", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A link list property. It can contain list of linked objects. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
link_obj0 = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "LinkObjectName0") link_obj1 = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "LinkObjectName1") link_obj2 = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "LinkObjectName2") obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkList", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [link_obj0, link_obj1, link_obj2] obj.ThePropertyName # returns [link_obj0, link_obj1, link_obj2]
A Template:TODOlinkListChild property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkListChild", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOlinkListGlobal property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkListGlobal", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOlinkListHidden property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkListHidden", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOlinkSub property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkSub", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOlinkSubChild property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkSubChild", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOlinkSubGlobal property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkSubGlobal", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOlinkSubHidden property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkSubHidden", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOlinkSubList property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkSubList", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOlinkSubListChild property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkSubListChild", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOlinkSubListGlobal property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkSubListGlobal", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOlinkSubListHidden property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkSubListHidden", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOmap property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyMap", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A material property. It can contain a LabRPS material object. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
import LabRPS material=LabRPS.Material() obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyMaterial", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = material obj.ThePropertyName # returns material
A material list property. It can contain list of materials. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
import LabRPS material0 = LabRPS.Material() material1 = LabRPS.Material() material2 = LabRPS.Material() obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython","InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyMaterialList", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [material0, material1, material2] # It can also be an empty list. obj.ThePropertyName # returns [material0, material1, material2]
A Template:TODOmatrix property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyMatrix", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A path property. It can contain a string representing a path to a folder Template:TODO:(does it also allow paths to files? does it allow relative or absolute paths or both?). For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyPath", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOpercent property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyPercent", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOpersistentObject property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyPersistentObject", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A placement property. It can contain placement
object. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
import LabRPS placement = LabRPS.Placement() obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython","InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyPlacement", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = placement obj.ThePropertyName # returns placement
A Template:TODOplacementLink property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyPlacementLink", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A placement list property. It can contain list of placements
. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
import LabRPS placement0 = LabRPS.Placement() placement1 = LabRPS.Placement() placement2 = LabRPS.Placement() obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython","InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyPlacementList", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [placement0, placement1, placement2] obj.ThePropertyName # returns [placement0, placement1, placement2]
Identical to App::PropertyVectorDistance.
A Template:TODOprecision property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyPrecision", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOpressure property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyPressure", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOpythonObject property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyPythonObject", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOquantity property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyQuantity", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOquantityConstraint property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyQuantityConstraint", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOspeed property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertySpeed", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOstring property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyString", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOstringList property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyStringList", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOuUID property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyUUID", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOvacuumPermittivity property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyVacuumPermittivity", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A vector property. It can contain a LabRPS vector
object. The value can set by supplying a vector or a tuple. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
import LabRPS vector = LabRPS.Vector(0, -2, 5) obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyVector", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = vector obj.ThePropertyName # returns Vector(0, -2, 5) obj.ThePropertyName = (1, 2, 3) obj.ThePropertyName # returns Vector(1, 2, 3) obj.ThePropertyName.x # returns 1.0 obj.ThePropertyName.y # returns 2.0 obj.ThePropertyName.z # returns 3.0 obj.ThePropertyName.z = 6 obj.ThePropertyName # returns Vector(1, 2, 6) obj.ThePropertyName.Length # returns 6.4031242374328485 obj.ThePropertyName.Length = 2 * obj.ThePropertyName.Length obj.ThePropertyName # Vector (2.0, 4.0, 12.0)
A vector property that is almost identical to App::PropertyVector. The only difference is that in the Property editor the "x", "y" and "z" members of this property are presented with units according to the preferences. But internally all values are unitless and therefore in mm.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyVectorDistance", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = (1, 2, 3) obj.ThePropertyName # returns Vector(1, 2, 3) obj.ThePropertyName.x # returns 1
A vector list property. It can contain list of vectors
. The value can set by supplying a list of vectors and/or tuples. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
import LabRPS v0 = LabRPS.Vector(0, 10, 0) v1 = LabRPS.Vector(0, 10, 0) v2 = LabRPS.Vector(30, -10, 0) v3 = LabRPS.Vector(0, -10, 0) obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython","InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyVectorList", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [v0, v1, v2, v3] obj.ThePropertyName # returns [Vector(0, 10, 0), Vector(0, 10, 0), Vector(30, -10, 0), Vector(0, -10, 0)] obj.ThePropertyName = [v0, (1, 2, 3), v2, (4, 5, 6)] obj.ThePropertyName # returns [Vector (0, 10, 0), Vector (1, 2, 3), Vector (30, -10, 0), Vector (4, 5, 6)]
A Template:TODOvolume property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyVolume", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOxLink property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyXLink", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOxLinkList property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyXLinkList", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOxLinkSub property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyXLinkSub", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOxLinkSubList property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyXLinkSubList", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOcurvatureList property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("Mesh::PropertyCurvatureList", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A mesh kernel property. It can contain a mesh
object. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
import Mesh mesh = Mesh.Mesh() obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("Mesh::PropertyMeshKernel", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = mesh obj.ThePropertyName # returns mesh
A Template:TODOnormalList property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("Mesh::PropertyNormalList", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOfilletEdges property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("Part::PropertyFilletEdges", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOgeometryList property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("Part::PropertyGeometryList", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A part shape property. It can contain shape
object. For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
import Part part = Part.Shape() obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("Part::PropertyPartShape", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = part obj.ThePropertyName # returns part
A Template:TODOshapeHistory property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("Part::PropertyShapeHistory", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOpath property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("Path::PropertyPath", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOtool property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("Path::PropertyTool", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOtooltable property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("Path::PropertyTooltable", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOconstraintList property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("Sketcher::PropertyConstraintList", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOcolumnWidths property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("Spreadsheet::PropertyColumnWidths", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOrowHeights property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("Spreadsheet::PropertyRowHeights", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOsheet property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("Spreadsheet::PropertySheet", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOspreadsheetQuantity property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("Spreadsheet::PropertySpreadsheetQuantity", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"
A Template:TODOgeomFormatList property. It can contain Template:TODO"allowed type and/or values". For more details, see the section about Creating a FeaturePython object and adding a property to it.
obj = LabRPS.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "InternalObjectName") obj.Label = "User-friendly label" obj.addProperty("TechDraw::PropertyGeomFormatList", "ThePropertyName", "Subsection", "Description for tooltip") obj.ThePropertyName = [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for setter" obj.ThePropertyName # returns [[:Template:TODO]]"example value for getter"

- Getting started
- Installation: Download, Windows, Linux, Mac, Additional components, AppImage
- Basics: About LabRPS, Interface, RPS Objects, Object name, Preferences, Workbenches, Document structure, Properties, Help LabRPS, Donate
- Help: Tutorials, Video tutorials
- Workbenches: Std Base, WindLab, SeismicLab, SeaLab, UserLab, Spreadsheet, Plot, Web
- Hubs: User hub, Power users hub, Developer hub