Plugin WindLab RPSRandomnessProviders

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Generic plugin icon. Create your personal icon with the same name of the plugin Randomness Providers

This plugin implement various random number generator, probability density functions and cumulative probability distributions.

Plugin version: 1.0
Last modified: 2024-04-15
LabRPS version: All
Author: Koffi Daniel
Koffi Daniel
Gaussian Randomness Provider, Weibull Randomness Provider, Exponential Randomness Provider, Laplace Randomness Provider, Exponential Power Randomness Provider, Cauchy Randomness Provider, Rayleigh Randomness Provider, Rayleigh Tail Randomness Provider, Landau Randomness Provider, LevyAlphaStable Randomness Provider, LevySkewAlphaStable Randomness Provider, Flat Randomness Provider, Gamma Randomness Provider, Lognormal Randomness Provider, ChiSquared Randomness Provider, Weibull PDF, Gaussian PDF, Exponential PDF, Laplace PDF, Exponential Power PDF, Cauchy PDF, Rayleigh PDF, Rayleigh Tail PDF, Landau PDF, Flat PDF, Gamma PDF, Lognormal PDF, ChiSquared PDF, Weibull CPD, Laplace CPD, Exponential Power CPD, Cauchy CPD, Rayleigh CPD, Flat CPD, Gamma CPD, Lognormal CPD, ChiSquared CPD
Plugin Version
Date last modified
LabRPS Version(s)
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See also

This plugin implement various random number generator, probability density functions and cumulative probability distributions. Please refer to this GSL library page for more information.

Gaussian Randomness Provider

Weibull Randomness Provider

Exponential Randomness Provider

Laplace Randomness Provider

Exponential Power Randomness Provider

Cauchy Randomness Provider

Rayleigh Randomness Provider

Rayleigh Tail Randomness Provider

Landau Randomness Provider

LevyAlphaStable Randomness Provider

LevySkewAlphaStable Randomness Provider

Flat Randomness Provider

Gamma Randomness Provider

Lognormal Randomness Provider

ChiSquared Randomness Provider

Weibull PDF

Gaussian PDF

Exponential PDF

Laplace PDF

Exponential Power PDF

Cauchy PDF

Rayleigh PDF

Rayleigh Tail PDF

Landau PDF

Flat PDF

Gamma PDF

Lognormal PDF

ChiSquared PDF

Weibull CPD

Laplace CPD

Exponential Power CPD

Cauchy CPD

Rayleigh CPD

Flat CPD

Gamma CPD

Lognormal CPD

ChiSquared CPD