Meteorites Data
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Recreating the origin example:
Scatter Plot Depicting Isotope Signature of N Sources Found in IAB Iron Meteorites

The graph shown here depicts the isotope signature of N sources found in IAB iron meteorites. It was made by adding a series of plots, one on top of another, as follows:
- First, the sample data was plotted as a Scatter plot with X and Y error bars for both etched and unetched samples. After plotting, the colors of the plots where set accordingly.
- Then, a bounding triangle was added as a simple Line plot and the line color and style changed as required.
- A Scatter plot of the mixing ratios for the two proposed sources was added on the top of the triangle-shaped Line plot and the scatter size, shape and color adjusted accordingly. Data labels were added as text items and formatted.
- Labels explaining the three sides of the triangle were inserted as text items and formatted.
- Finally three line items where added to make the arbitrary ticks on the top side of the triangle along with three respective text items as the tick labels and formatted accordingly.
- Axis scale, labels, legends etc where edited as desired.
Dr. K. Poganis is a staff research associate in cosmochemistry in the Chemistry and Biochemistry department at UCSD. Cosmochemistry is stable isotope chemistry, or the study of extra-terrestrial material, like meteorites or lunar samples. The department uses a special type of static mass spectrometer for their measurements.