Macro Deodatis 1996 Mean Wind Profile

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Generic macro icon. Create your personal icon with the same name of the macro Macro Deodatis 1996 Mean Wind Profile

This macro create simulation point according to G. Deodatis 1996.

Macro version: 1.0
Last modified: 2024-04-15
LabRPS version: All
Author: Koffi Daniel
Koffi Daniel
Macro Version
Date last modified
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See also
Macro Deodatis 1996 Mean Wind Profile

This macro create mean wind profile according to G. Deodatis 1996. The created profile is the mean wind logarithm profile where the parameters such as terrain roughness and shear velocity of the wind flow have to be specified.


Mean wind speed values


You can find the source code on the following Github repository: Get the code here!

Macro Deodatis 1996 Mean Wind Profile.RPSMacro

import LabRPS
from LabRPS import Vector as vec

import WindLab
import WindLabObjects

class Deodatis1996MeanWind():
    def __init__(self):
        #install the WindLab plugin with all its plugged features
        installResuslt = WindLab.installPlugin("WindLabPlugin")

        # create new document
        doc = LabRPS.newDocument()

        # create new simulation with default name "Simulation" in the above document
        sim = WindLabObjects.makeSimulation(doc)
        # check if the simulation is successfully created
        if not sim:
            LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The simulation does not exist.\n")
            return None

        # create new location distribution in the simulation called "Simulation". Without simulation location mean wind profile cannot run
        loc = WindLabObjects.makeFeature("SimulationPoints", "Simulation", "General Distribution", "Location Distribution")
        # check if the created location distribution feature is null
        if not loc:
            LabRPS.Console.PrintError("Error on creating the location distribution.\n")
            return None

        v1 = vec(0, 0, 35)
        v2 = vec(0, 0, 40)
        v3 = vec(0, 0, 140)
        loc.Locations = [v1, v2, v3]

        # create new mean wind profile feature in the simulation called "Simulation"
        mean = WindLabObjects.makeFeature("MeanSpeed", "Simulation", "Logarithmic Law Profile", "Mean Wind Profile")
        # check if the created mean wind feature is successuful
        if not mean:
            LabRPS.Console.PrintError("The creation of the mean wind profile was not successuful.\n")
            return None

        mean.TerrainRoughness = '0.001266 m' 
        mean.ShearVelocity = '1.76 m/s' 

        # wind velocity in this example is stationary. Meanning wind speed means are not varying in time
        # here we use time instant of 0 second.
        time = 0.0

        # compute the mean wind speed at all simulation points at time instant of 0s
        meanValues = sim.computeMeanWindSpeedVectorP(time)

        # if we are in Gui mode, show the stored result in Alphaplot
        if LabRPS.GuiUp:
            import GeneralToolsGui
            #show the mean wind speeds in Alphaplot
            GeneralToolsGui.GeneralToolsPyTool.showArray(sim.getSimulationData().numberOfSpatialPosition, 2, meanValues, False)
